You can go here to see the give away drawing!
She could not look at all the stuff because she was so excited about the magazines.
She kept showing me quilts and she got so excited. I do believe that it is in her blood.
It thrilled me to see her so happy about all of this. I will be showing what all she makes with all of these goodies. There was even some vintage soak wash in this package. There was a card with some breakfast tea for me! The day I took this box over to her house, Sweet Teen was organizing her room. When I got there she had most of her sewing area all organized. Once she opened this box she could not wait to get upstairs and add all this to her stash. Sweet Teen says thank you! I say thank you!
What I make with my hands, I give of my heart.
What a JOY to see a young person so thrilled with what WE all love!!! Thanks for sharing the opening of that package with us and I'll look forward to seeing what she makes...that's for sure!
This is so neat!!!
Congratulations Sweet Teen! What a wonderful giveaway to win from Marydon. I can't wait to see all your new projects. Have fun!
How exciting for Sweet Teen! She is just so interested. That is wonderful! Nothing like winning a give-away. I'm very happy for her....and wish her all the best in her upcoming sewing projects!
Awesome! That seems like a great giveaway prize, lots involved! Sweet Teen seems to really have her head on straight. A teen that organizes? We should clone that.
How exciting for her! She will have such a wonderful time with all of it and I can't wait to see the results.
Aw, congratulations to Sweet Teen!
All the quilt pieces look so unique - pretty.
Btw, I sent you a little package today. It should arrive in 7-10days. It's something to complete a set or pair. :-)
How wonderful for Sweet Teen! And what beautiful squares! I am so proud of her win! Congratulations, Sweet Teen!
Congrats Sweet Teen!
I love it that sweet teen in so interested in quilting. The squares are beautiful. I know Granny would be really proud to know her quilting gene is carrying right on down.
G'morn Val & Sweet Teen ~ I am so tickled with these darling happy pics ... it is so nice to know a 'teen'/young person would be interested in creating/sewing as is Sweet Teen ...
Will be anxious to see where she put all these items in her work area, & her creations as she goes along.
It is my pleasure to know that Sweet Teen won ... Congrats! again, sweetie.
Have a wonderful day!
TTFN~ Hugs, Marydon
She looks like a "Minnie Val", how cute:)
How wonderful! Congratulations to your sweet grand in winning Marydon's prize.
It was so nice to see the joy on Sweet Teens face as she explored her box of treasures. Have fun making something special Sweet Teen.
I can't wait to see what she does with all those quilt blocks. How proud you must be!
Yep, it's in her blood - now she needs her own blog, lol! Congrats to her on such a fabulous win!
How exciting! Your granddaughter must have been so tickled and you too watching it all unfold. I'm sure she'll spend hours pouring over all of her goodies.
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