We thought the last time we went to the Sparta Hilton would be the last time to take a trailer load of stuff. NOT. Here we go again. Most of it is "Sweet Honey's" stuff though. Four wheeler, plow, deer stands, seeds & corn and more.
If you don't know what the "Sparta Hilton" is.....it is a little hunting shack that we are fixing up with our hunting buddies! Our "honey's" tell us that hunters would love to have this place.
But do you notice that mattress? I bought a Serta king size pillowtop mattress and foundation at an estate sale for $150.00!!! Is that unreal? It was practically new. They still had the plastic and paper work on it. It was a 1200.00 mattress. Now this makes the Sparta Hilton just a little more appealing to me.
That is Granny's couch and recliner. The rocker was already at the Hilton and it looked good so we kept it. The lamps and tables are from my house. I did some major cleaning out. The picture I bought at Salvation Army for $3.00! And of course you remember that D. & I layed the carpet and when I say layed.....I mean layed in there but it looks good we think.
Jeremy suggested moving our little game table over against the opposite wall from the couch and it works great. The little lamp on the table has a trout on it. It is the only thing my honey has ever bought from a thrift store. I think he paid 1.00 for it. Jeremy bought the picture that is on the wall and it matches my picture so good. He bought it before even seeing the" Hilton."
On the table among other things is a Bible word search book that Granny gave me before she left us.
I must have been at one end of the table taking this picture of our feast of a breakfast. I just thought I would show you a closer picture.
It was delicious!
This is our kitchen. D. worked in here for a long time organizing everything. Since we are not here all the time we put everything in containers. That sink did not look like that when we first got this little place. Underneath the sink you could see everything. Josh fixed it so we don't have to see all the pipes and stuff. And me & D. painted it. Actually we painted the whole place with the "honeymooners" help. We have got to get them to come and see the place now. We are proud of it.
This is a little shelf that we have hanging in the kitchen. The stuff is just from yard sales. My Mom gave us the picture. Looks pretty good, huh?
This is what the guys come for....the deer woods but they sure don't mind the little shack (I mean Hilton) either! I bet there are not many deer hunters that have wives that come with them and have a good meal waiting on them along with a comfortable cabin complete with hot water, air conditioning, & electricity. Do you think that is why they want us to come along?
Here is what our "honey's" worked on. They tilled up some little food plots.

Rog is checking out the ground after it is tilled to see if it is ready to plant.
On the table among other things is a Bible word search book that Granny gave me before she left us.
It was delicious!
Rog is checking out the ground after it is tilled to see if it is ready to plant.
Is that smart or what?
Rog's mother refinished it. They have got to find a mattress though. That is why they stayed in the Marriott. I know that D. just hated leaving. (Ha! The Marriott that we stay in is so nice.)
What a woman!!! You would think that she mowed this whole yard, right? Actually her son Josh mowed most of it but D. finished it. Can you tell we haven't been here in a while? I hope she was watching for snakes with those flip flops on. Believe me, she was!
Believe it or not this place did have air conditioners in it but we had to replace 2 of them. Here Rog is putting this one in my bedroom.
They make a good team!
We forgot our spray foam this time so I am checking for holes until we get some the next day and stuffing aluminum foil in them. I bet we have used a dozen cans of spray foam on this place. It had lots of holes and cracks and we don't want critters in here with us.
Here is "sweet honey" and Jeremy putting my bed frame together for my new mattress.
I am supervising!
Look at that thing! $150.00! Wow.
And let me tell you that it sleeps like a cloud! The lamp and nightstand in the corner are Granny's. Rog's mother made us curtains for our windows. We only have 3 windows in the whole place! I think they look great. Mom gave me the picture above the bed. The wardrobe is from Granny too. I brought the t.v. from home. I am planning on making a quilt for the bed but until then it has an old king size quilt that I bought at a yard sale for 3.00 on it. I turned it to the white side because the other side is faded but it is a great big quilt. The quilt at the bottom of the bed was made by my dad. It was his 3rd quilt that he had ever made. Mom gave me the big pillow on the bed too. This is just half of the room. The other side has Granny's bed and I don't have it made up yet. We wanted to have plenty of sleeping room if anyone visits us!
I am supervising!
I had to go see what Rog and D. were up to.
She is a good shot!
So I had to join in on the fun! Rog was showing me how to shoot his gun. I really liked it but D out did me! She was good!
She is a good shot!
It is our leftover biscuits!!!
We are still working a lot to get this place like we want it but it has been so much fun.
We are looking forward to many more fun times at the Sparta Hilton.
It sure looks different that when we first saw it. This just shows you that you can take nothing and make it something!
Hi Valerie! I've been hiding in the air conditioning all Summer:) Oh my, I see I've been missing out on your excitement. What a great project for you and hubby and your friends. Now that's the way I would have to go camping! LOL. Everything looks great! Hugs!
A fun project - and even better with your friends.
I really enjoyed this post Val. Everything is looking great and you are surrounded by treasured keepsakes from loved ones. I giggled when I saw the biscuits being used as targets. My GRAVY could be used as a target!!! ha ha
Thanks for sharing this project with us. What a lot of fun you and the family/friends will have.
Wow Val - that is going to be nicer than the Marriot when you get done! It looks wonderful!
I think your Sparta Hilton looks great. I've stayed in hotels/motels that weren't that nice. lol
Lots of work has gone into this project, I can see! I hope you have many happy times there. You have done a great job decorating it. Good job!
The Sparta Hilton is really looking nice! Even better with Granny's precious things to fill the house. :-)
Looks like a fun place to get away.
Mama Bear
Oh, I am jealous, but you had the vision, and it is looking very warm and inviting. Good job! I wish I was close enough to come visit the Sparta Hilton. Have fun!...and nice SCORE on the BED!
I know darn well there are a lot of hunters out there that are so jealous of this! Way to go ya'll..
Valerie, please click on the link in my post to Mrs. Sofa's blog and ask her about the cakes. She is a little shy, but so sweet! I knew you would like the fishing cake..
looks like you are having fun getting the "Hilton" decorated....looks like a great place to relax...
Looks like fun! It's really looking great.
I'm still giggling at the biscuits for target part! hehe Oh Valerie, I can't believe all the work you have all put into making the Sparta Hilton into a wonderful welcoming "hunting camp"!! It's no wonder you women don't mind going there and no doubt the men love having you all there as well:-) I love it that you have so many of granny's beloved items there, it's like having a little piece of her around!! Such a fun time with your friends:-) xoxo
I hope you have many happy times there. You have done a great job decorating it. Good job!What a great project for you and hubby and your friends.
Killing animals doesn't seem like a good time to me...but the cabin is nice.
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