Look at what Martha sent me. She is the friend that knitted me 2 scarves back in the winter. I actually cannot wait to go to Gatlinburg in December just so I can wear my scarves! She also sent me a Starbucks mug with them. So here is what she sent me this weekend. Another Starbucks mug so I will have one for hubby! She also sent me some Nutella. I had never heard of it until I saw it on her blog. Oh my goodness! It is delicious. It is a hazelnut spread with a hint of chocolate! I LOVE it! She also sent 2 sweet cards. One was for when Granny passed away and she just put it in with this package. What timing. I needed that. I sure do miss Granny. Thank you Martha!
I am trying to clean out my home and declutter and I came across this little bunny rabbit that my best friend Vicki made for "Sweet Teen" when she was born. That would be 15 years ago! Wow. How time flies. I thought since "Sweet Teen" is older and into sewing it might be time to let her have this. It has been a treasure for all of my grands but now it will be a treasure for "Sweet Teen". I hope she saves it for her children one day. Wouldn't that be something? Right now it is on her bed. She loves it. Thank you Vicki! Great memories.
"Sweet Teen" has been sewing the whole weekend! She had won a give away from Marydon's blog and she received lots of fabric and goodies so she is going to town making stuff. She sent me this picture today of a pillow that she made.
This is so precious to me! "Sweet Teen" is teaching "Angel" to sew and she taught her how to make a pin cushion. "Angel" was so proud that she sent this picture from her cell phone. This was made from the little squares that were in the give away box. "Sweet Teen" sent me a text this afternoon that said she had made the pillow, a bib to go with some burp cloths that she had made. She said she also made "Angel" a wallet and 2 phone holders! I am so proud of her!
I just had to show you this little quilt also. "Sweet Teen's" friend made this. I think her friend sews a little anyway but when she saw the quilts that ST had made she wanted to make one. So ST helped her get started. This is two 15 year old girls................Is that not something?
Our hunting buddies "D & Rog" have 3 grown children. Two of them are twin boys and they are so special to us. They just graduated from High school. Anyway we went out to eat last night with them and their son "J" joined us. We had so much fun. When we are together we laugh so much. When we picked them up "J" came out of the house and handed me this book. I could not believe what it said. Facing your giants. I had to face a giant this week. I actually was thinking of doing a post on facing your fears. Now do you think the Lord is still speaking to me? I do. And he used an 18 year old boy. He handed me the book and told me how good it was. None of them know what I faced this week. I said, Oh are you loaning this book to me and he said, No, I am giving it to you. Wow. You will hear more about this book. I have already started reading it. Thank you Lord. Thank you "J"!
Yesterday I received this picture on my phone! Brother pulled a tooth! He did it himself.
Is this a doll or what? I remember when my son who is 36 years old lost his baby teeth.
A little while later I received this fuzzy picture on my phone! Now Brother is missing his 2 front teeth!!! I know what he wants for Christmas!

Is this a doll or what? I remember when my son who is 36 years old lost his baby teeth.
An excerpt out of my book......
As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.
1 Samuel 17:48
I did just what it says and that was before I received this book from "J"!!!
I did just what it says and that was before I received this book from "J"!!!
I am still listening Lord. What a confirmation this was for me.
Love the things Angel and Sweet Teen made (and also the quilt ST's friend made). Getting that book was really something, wasn't it? And "Brother" looks so cute with hit teeth missing!
ST is amazing - there's no holding her back! Love her projects.
Looks like a good book - I'm going to have to pick it up too! I love it when you receive confirmation like that from the Lord.
*Oh, Valerie, you're so welcome! It looks like the Lord is watching out for you and I have a feeling Granny is standing next to him. *Brother is too funny for words. lol
*Sweet Teen has the sewing bug and it's a great thing. Can you imagine all the great stuff she'll be making for the holidays? I can't wait to see them.
I hope you have a great week!
I am just amazed at Sweet Teen and Angel! How wonderful that you have passed along your love for sewing to them. I am proud of them. Oh, Brother lost two teeth! He seems happy about it! Martha was so sweet to send you the gifts. And I know you will enjoy that great book.
It is great that Sweet Teen not only has the love for sewing but wants to share it with others. Angel will be wanting her own sewing machine soon. ;)
Brother looks cute with the missing teeth.
Isn't it something that the Lord used that 18 year old to let you know he's with you in your trials and tribulations? He really is an awesome God.
I'll bet the girls will hate going back to school and miss all of the fun summer sewing time. They are on a no stop roll here.
Two front teeth??? Let's hope he doesn't keep pulling. It will be difficult to eat soon.
Yes, Val, I think HE is still talking to you!!!
I'm still here, Val...praying.
Sweet Teen is doing a fantastic job and is a sweetheart to start teaching Angel.
Brother is so cute. Aren't kids so adorable with their front teeth missing?
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