Does this dessert look yummy?
It was.

Let me introduce you to my sweet friend Cindy.
We have connected through
facebook after over 20 years of not seeing each other.
We set a date and she drove 2 hours to come and see me. I fixed potato soup and picked up a salad from the Cracker Barrel for us. We talked and talked and talked.

Cindy was my best friend in high school. I can remember when she moved to our school. The guys thought she was beautiful and she was. She is as beautiful now as she was in high school. She is beautiful inside and out. She glowed. We had such a good time catching up on the good times of our life and the bad times of our life. We had a wonderful lunch and before we knew it the day was gone.

Cindy is a Mary Kay Top Director. Is that right Cindy? She has been selling Mary Kay for 9 years and she is excellent at it. I had shared with her that I had been wanting a facial and guess what? She gave me one! It was wonderful.

We had so much fun! I would show you my "before" picture but it would scare you to death. I actually am not showing you my after picture either. After having my hair pulled back it looked terrible. But my make up looked wonderful considering what she had to work with!

This was such a special day to me and Cindy. We are not going to let years go by like that again. I think this is my year to meet up with old friends. We are gonna try to connect every other month or so. My "sweet honey" came in and took these pictures of us. He is getting pretty good at taking pictures.

This is how good Cindy is in Mary Kay. She drives a car free! See the Mary Kay on it. This is her second car and she is working on her third. I am impressed! I started asking her about selling it and told her that I am not the kind of personality to have parties but was interested in learning more about it. We will see. I have ordered the kit and will check it out. I can tell you one thing. Cindy has the greatest attitude. If I said anything negative about myself she would turn it around and make it positive. I loved being with my sweet friend and hope to have many more good times with her. It is funny when you are in high school together you are with each other all the time. You know each other's secrets. You think it will never end. Then life happens. You go your separate ways and get busy. After raising 4 children and being so busy it sure is nice to have old friends come back in to your life. It was neat seeing what a Godly woman Cindy has turned in to. What a blessing she was to me when she visited me. Thank you Cindy!
Snippets From My Heart
When I first started on Face book, I actually wondered why I was doing that because I loved doing my blog. I never put anything on Face book until recently but loved connecting with my church friends and hearing prayer requests. I don't play the games on face book. That is just not my thing. And then all of the sudden I noticed that I was connecting with some of my very good friends from school. I love hearing about their lives and seeing how we have all grown into women with our own families. Some people puts Face book down and I am sure that there are things that aren't good on there. For me, it has been a great experience. I have learned more about people that I go to church with and never get a chance to talk to. I have met long lost family members. And then of course my friends that I have lost touch with. We are now in touch. I love it. When Granny passed away, I actually deleted my Face book. I thought to myself.....why do I need that? And then something told me to start it again, so I did. I am so glad that I did. Cindy and I probably would not have gotten together and I would have missed such a blessing. Tomorrow I am meeting 2 other precious friends for lunch. I am looking so forward to it. Life is short and we need to treasure our family & friends. I am determined to do that.
I have always told my children that friends will come and go but family will always be there. This is so true. But when you start connecting with your true friends they will be there for you too when you need them. I need them.
What a great post, it looks like you had a lovely time (and yes those little cakes looked delicious) I too have met up with an old friend through FB who I hadnt seen for over 30 years, she is also now a Christian. It is exciting to see what God brings about in our lives and to know that He has our lives all planned out since before we were born!
I agree with you...true friends will be there when you need them.
Sounds like a wonderful get together.
It is so nice to see Cindy again! I remember how much you two enjoyed being together in high school.
I have a very special spot in my heart for my friends old and new. I work with somw young kids well talking with one of then what we were doing over the weekend she said to me "well your always doing something with your friends, you must have alot of friends" ANs I said yes I have been really blessed to have all ny friends. Some have been friends for many many years. I love the ones that you have not seen for many years and when you connect with them it like no time has evey passed. Just like you did with Cindy.
God works in mysterious ways....what a blessing to have "found" Cindy again thru Facebook. She's beautiful and I can imagine what a fun time you two had.
That was such a sweet post Val! I loved being with you again after all these years, seeing your beautiful home, catching up, well, everything!! In fact, I'm already missing you! I enjoyed so much treating you to a facial too! You looked beautiful but then, you already are. I just enhanced the beautiful features that God blessed you with!! By the way, I'm not quite a Top Director yet but I will be! I am a Grand Achiever/Fabulous Fifties Director! One of the things I love about my Mary Kay business is the flexibility it affords me. I so enjoyed spending the day with you and look forward to the next time! And Val, you can ALWAYS depend on me! I love you!
How wonderful that you were able to connect with your old friend again. Glad you had a nice visit.
Those little cakes look so good. They wouldn't have lasted long around me. lol
I don't spend much time on FB. I do like to go there and see new photos of my grandchildren who live in Texas and read about their lives. It is about all the contact I have with them. I don't play the games either. Also, a cousin of mine has posted some old photos that her mother had which once belonged to my grandmother. I enjoy seeing those and getting to make copies of them.
I'm happy for you that you had such a great first meeting with your old friend.
Mama Bear
Wonderful post, you can't have to many friend, I am om FB and it is so good to kept work with my family and friend. Have a blessful week!
What a fun visit!!! It is fun to reconnect again. So often we loose that closeness while we are busy raising our families and living life. It is nice to have it come back when we have the time to put into it again and to be able to pick up where you left off.
I have a high school friend staying with me for a couple of days right now. It has been wonderful.
Valerie one of the most fun things I do is that a half dozen of my high school girlfriends come to my house for the weekend late in October each year. I dust before they come but I don't have to worry about whether or not my house is perfect - old friends come to see me, not my house! We throw blow up mattresses on the floor when we run out of beds and couches, we stay in our pajamas till after breakfast/lunch/brunch, we talk and laugh and cry. Between the 7 of us we've had marriages, divorces, lymphoma, breast cancer, a death of a grandchild, more marriages, more divorces....along with wonderful husbands, great jobs, loving families, faith filled lives. We talk about it all. They are a part of me, a part of my early life, and know things even my husband doesn't know about me. It's an incredible experience! blessings, marlene (by the way the word verification on this comment is "bless" - how cool is that!)
You seem to be doing a wonderful job of living life to the fullest. My compliments to you for structuring your life so that you are a blessing to so many people.
Oh Valerie, how absolutely wonderful that you and Cindy connected again and even got together!! Sounds like it was a terrific day and I can just imagine all the talking that was done! hehe Lucky you to get a Mary Kay facial as well...you are so beautiful, don't ever say anything different! We're our own worst critics, aren't we?! lol I think Facebook is wonderful and I've connected with a few old friends through it as well:-) xoxo
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