The back of the truck is filled but at least we didn't have to take the trailer this time.
So here we go to the Sparta Hilton (aka hunting cabin)
He goes to the woods and pulls the cards out of the cameras to see what is on them.
I am buying me a camera and putting my name on it! I have a place that I want to put it at the Sparta Hilton and then when it is not hunting season I want to have it out at my house.
I am buying me a camera and putting my name on it! I have a place that I want to put it at the Sparta Hilton and then when it is not hunting season I want to have it out at my house.
I will have one!
This is not what we target practice with, but this is the real thing.
Well you have now.
What can I say?
While" Sweet hunter" was target practicing I noticed this old dish pan over in the woods.
I asked him to get it for me since he was the one with snake boots on.
He told me that it was rusted and had holes in it. I told him that would be perfect to hang on the outside of the Sparta Hilton. I love old things.
He fixed fried potatoes and I fixed a salad. When I fixed the little table outside I realized that all we had was paper plates. Paper plates and steak?? My Mom had given me some dishes but I thought they were too nice to bring. I would have loved to have had them that night. I will bring them next time.
But it was perfect.
Salads were good too. I had some spring mix and added some of the last tomatoes out of my garden, some avocado, carrots and a cucumber. We used Poppy seed dressing. It was simple but very good. There is just something about eating outside.
It really was fun to be out there in the woods and cooking on the grill.
It is funny. I really never thought I would like being in that little kitchen but it really is pretty neat now. I am liking it better and better.
I realized that I need a drainer. I guess I will add that to the list.
We stayed out until it was dark. It was so nice and peaceful.
Here is what I had waiting on my "Sweet hunter" when he got up early the next morning to go hunting. I cooked some brownies and then had his coffee all ready and waiting. All he had to do is turn it on. Am I a good wife or what??? Oh don't worry....... I did this so I would not have to get up. While he was up before daylight I was laying in my big king size bed! Then when he came in after hunting I had a good breakfast cooked. I really am enjoying this little home away from home. It really is a lot of fun. It is amazing what we all think we need. We all can get by with a lot less. I think that is what I like about this place. The simple life.
I love your Sparta Hilton. You are right. Less is definitely MORE. And MORE FUN!
Looks like you are having lots of fun!
A trip out like this is the best way to "recharge" - people need the slow lane every so often to successfully handle all the strains of ordinary living.
As for the "hunter in rollers" - still a girl and wanting to look girly. right?
It's just like playing house when you were a little girl!!! FUN!
Even with having never been there. I love this place! Great picture of the swing and the bonfire. Looks wonderful!
What fun! It's nice to go back to simpler times isn't it? The food on the grill looks delicious and I love the swing facing the firepit. So glad you are enjoying this little home away from home!
You even look adorable in curlers:-) I would love it at your Sparta Hilton, it looks so peaceful and the perfect place to get away from it all. As you say, little do we realize how we really don't need much to enjoy ourselves:-)
My youngest brother Guy has 15 acres of land so he's able to go deer hunting in his own backyard! lol He has a crossbow and also a rifle so that he can hunt with both when in season. I'm very impressed that you came so close to the bullseye!! You go girl:-)
That food certainly did look you have me drooling! hehe xoxo
Hi,All I can say it looks sooooo RELAXING and PEACEFUL !
Val, thanks for sharing these your thoughts and your pictures with us!! I just love it!!! Many, many times, I long for the simplier life!!! David and I have been on two mission trips; one to Nicaragua and one to Guatemala. The people in the mountainous regions of both of these countries have very little, but they are so joyful and content; and so hospitable!! I cried like baby both times we left to come home. I didn't want to leave them. I loved their simple life and realized I could be happy and content with a lot less! It's choice we make.
Girl, I haven't had rollers in my hair in ages! Those brought back a lot of memories!! But I STILL have some, just in case!!
That was a GREAT shot with that bow and arrow!!! I'm impressed!
Glad you had fun!!!
Love you!
Hey a girl's gotta look nice no matter where she is right? Love you Sparta Hilton!
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