(Sweet honey keeps cutting tree.)
Then we kept walking and walking and walking.
Sweet Honey: Yes, isn't this great?
Me: Yes sir! Is that it?
Sweet Honey: Come on!
So we walked and walked some more and more and more.
Me: uh huh
Sweet honey: Watch for snakes now.
Me: Where are we going now?
Sweet Honey: Just come on.
Me: uh huh.
So we walked and walked and walked some more and more.
Me: Are we through?
Sweet Honey: No, we have one more to put up!
Me: Are you kidding??
He finally told me that he did have another one to put up but we would do it next time.
Honestly this was very hard work. I really admire hunters especially my hunter!
We really had a great time this past weekend at the Sparta Hilton. What is funny is I never thought I would ever be comfortable in there, much less sleep in this little hunting shack! When I was in those woods it reminded me of trout fishing. You just walk and walk and walk. I could not wait to get back in my little Sparta Hilton. The work on the inside is just about done. When it cools off we will probably work on the outside. We were all alone this weekend. Neither our hunting buddies or the honeymooners came this time. I sure hope some guys come the next time to help with that other ladder stand! It really was fun though. We didn't leave the whole weekend. It sure is nice to get away and I love sleeping in my own bed at my little home away from home.
that's why i hunt from the ground....if god wanted me to climb trees, he would of made me a squirrel
i've never killed a deer from a tree stand. all my deer i've shot at 50yards or closer leaning against a tree.
tell you hunter that this hunter wishes him a good season- kill a big'en. i'm grocery hunting this year. if i see a monster, i'll gladly put him on my wall.
Oh, you are a GOOD wife!
Those woods look like heaven to me. I love being out like that with nobody around. Those ladders can really be heavy. I don't like heights and can't imagine standing on that waiting for a deer to come by.
Oh my, you do love that man...and he loves you...but still all in all wasn't it fun?
Oh my, you do love that man...and he loves you...but still all in all wasn't it fun?
you two were the honeymooners this time....my Honey Bear does that---Come here a minute, I want to show you something...he did it this weekend to show me the table he found across the road at the neighbors...we're using it for our bird seed containers in the garage...it will be posted this week.
Mama Bear
My cousins have those tree stands in the timber for hunting too. Crazy!!! I would not have wanted to climb up there.
I'd be with you...take me back to the Hilton!!!
I think I would have stopped half way there and sat down on the ground in protest! lol I can well imagine how hard it was to carry that thing so far in the woods especially when it was hot. Glad you two had a fun weekend though:-)
My youngest brother Guy, the one who has the Maple Syrup bush, built himself a tree stand but it's not a normal one. This one is all enclosed and is huge, even has a couch and tv in it! lol xoxo
I'm glad ya'll had fun! I'm so afraid of ticks, I couldn't have done that! You ARE a very good wife!! Love you!
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