Sunday, July 20, 2014

Around The Farm!

The Farmhouse doesn't look any different from the outside yet, but
a lot is going on inside. We had to replace lots of floor joist and seals.
I hate that because its things you can't see. We should be finishing up the tearing out
in the next couple of weeks and start putting it all back together hopefully!
If you would like to see my first post about the farmhouse,
Click HERE!

Anyone that knows me, knows I LOVE birds!
I have my feeders up but this about the only visitors I have.
Birds are everywhere but they just don't take the time to stop at my feeders
for some reason. I am hoping when all the carpenters leave, that will change.
There is just a lot going on right now.

One of the first things I did was put out my hummingbird feeders.
I had 2 right from the beginning.

Then before I knew it, I had 3 visitors!

Then I counted 8!
I was so excited!

The last count was 10!!!
I just can't believe it!

The river is right across from where the house is sitting.
You can actually sit on the porch and see it.

It is just gorgeous!
This is one reason we fell in love with this place!

Right down below the house is a huge flat rock.
That's where I am standing to take these pictures.
It's my favorite place on the river!

We are really enjoying our garden.
Nothing like a tomato sandwich
with a "real" tomato!!!

I can't wait until next year when I will actually be living on the farm.
Then I can get up early, work in the garden, and then go fishing!!!
Did I tell you that I have a fig tree?
So very excited!

And we have deer!!!!
So excited!!!!

is where our story begins!


Lori @ Back Porch Ramblings said...

So excited for you and your dream place in the country! Love the style of the house and can't wait to see what you do with it. :)

Little Penpen said...

So, that's where all the humming birds are this year... at your new house!! We only have 1.5 birds this We see one most every day and it's friend about once a week. I am enjoying your new old home posts!

born imaginative. said...

What a gem you have! Such a blessing to call that place home!

Angela said...

Oh Val, I can almost hear the water. Such a beautiful place. Our garden is almost over. The white and sweet potatoes got dug this weekend. All the green beans have been put away for winter and tomatoes are all we have left. I have been making salsa too. We had tomato sandwiches for supper. Now I will not get excited about fishing. I will just bring along a book while you fish. {smile} Have a good week.

Panto Pam said...

Can't wait to see what you do with your new home. I have been reading your blog since the days you would show your sweet Granny making her quilts. I am so happy for you and your hubby. You are both living the dream!

Kathleen said...

Uh oh! I get the occasional deer in my back yard (and I'm not rural) and they eat my plants and my flowers!!

Diane Smitson said...

Sure have missed you my friend :)

Shauna said...

Fantastic!! Love that you can sit on the deck and see the river. So peaceful and beautiful. Hummingbirds are so fascinating to watch. My parents have several feeders set up at their trailer on the creek in Radium. I might have to pop on over once you get settled. :)

Karen said...

Very cool!! Love the posts you done so far...I identify so much with what you are up too and a river to just listen to to relax...ooooh!! birds too!! sigh!!

Jocelyn said...

Great pictures Val!!!

Patty Sumner said...

Wow.. you have had veggies in abundance.. I did not get to garden this year. I hope to get some beans canned.. I have a few friends that I am hoping have more than they can handle..Enjoy yours.. Love the outside of the Farmhouse.. Blessings!