I just thought I was only breaking and freezing beans today. I went to my garden and picked more veges and then my daddy brought me a big bag full out of his garden. I didn't get all my beans broke but I am working on it. I put up 11 quarts today. That makes a total of 24 quarts in my freezer. I will finish the rest of the beans tomorrow afternoon along with all of the other veges. My plans was to work on ebay too but didn't get to that today.

No fancy dishes here. Just iron skillets and pans. I had several emails asking me how to make my cornbread. You can go to my archives at the very bottom in the side bar and look under recipes. It is under cornbread. I also had emails about my fried squash. The pan I showed you the other day was fried one piece at a time. I cook them one layer at a time. The pictures above show what my squash looks like most of the time. I just roll in cornmeal, salt & pepper and then add a little shortning to an iron skillet. Get it really hot and pile them in. Then as they cook I turn with a spatula until heated through. Then I place in a very hot oven and finish it off. The iron skillet on the left is already done. The one on the right is just started. Behind that pan is some fresh green beans. And top it all off with cornbread! Add some sliced tomatoes and banana peppers and you have a good country meal! Oh my goodness!

Work doesn't stop after the veges because here comes the muscadines & grapes!

Muscadines are just starting getting ripe. I will have to take Granny some. She will love these. I always make muscadine jelly out of these and it is so good.

Grapes are not ripe yet but it will not be too long!
Aren't we so blessed?
Hard work, but so thankful!
You are the Queen of the Harvest! Everything looks scrumptious!
Wow it looks like the harvest festival. What are Muscadines ? I dont think we have them in the UK.
Your garden is amazing! I can't believe how many vegetables you've grown already. You definitely have a green thumb. Thank you for the yellow squash recipe. It's one of my favorites fried with some zucchini.
Beautiful veggies, and can't wait for the grapes and muscadines! There is nothing better than your fried squash!
You are such a hard worker! Once a patient of my husband's brought us some homemade muscadine jelly and what a treat it was.
A bountiful harvest indeed. Yes, you are blessed!!
Looks delicious! Do you need a taste tester??? Love, Brenda
You are the busiest person I have ever seen! Those veggies all look so good!!
You have your work cut out for you for some time, Val. It all looks wonderful .
Valerie - thanks for stopping by my blog. I can see that you have been busy. I'm so impressed. I have another blogging friend who has talked about muscadines. I've never had one.
I miss Krista too!
Beautiful! You are where I was...now finishing up here.
Waiting on the crowder peas to freeze.
Just finished the grape jelly.
Wish I was there for supper yum!! We add onions to the fried squash too.
Your garden being later was a good thing. We did not get as much peppers as we had hoped..they are blooming again so will see.
Soon will plant the greens for Fall!
You will be all set now for winter goodness with all your freezing!!
I have been looking at your blog. It is apparant theat you are an awesome mother, gardiner and cook and a beautiful lady too and i like to music. would like to figure out how to add it to my blog. your blog is very interesting and entertaining. my favorite so far was the man on the motorcycle, smoking a cigar..lol. loved the face he was making.
When did your grandson get something in his ear? I didn't know about this and haven't talked to shannon, just waved at bank. Was it recently, it must have been.
You have a beautiful family and are very blessed. Thank you for always reading my blog and commenting. it helps pass the time for me, thinking of taking up a craft or hobby. i'm afraid i don't really have any. never slowed down long enough until recently. i am hoping to post some more pics soon of my beetle, condo, family etc but have lost the connector to download to my computer. i am always having some kind of technical mishap! well, i will check back with you later!
if God had a wallet, your photo would be in it!
I am stopping by to wish you and Randy blessings this Sunday. I think of you often and hope you have a good day.
Hi Valerie, your garden looks so much better than ours. The heat here kills our so fast. We need to put a net over ours for protection.
Keep Stitchen'
That harvest looks so lovely! You'll be enjoying it this winter
don't you just love all the fresh garden produce this time of the year? we can't get enough of it. our little garden produces just enough for my little family of 5 to eat fresh during the summer, but we enjoy every bite of it. :) i'm so thankful that i can grow my own veggies. even if it is in a tiny little garden.
Mmm, but this is delightful!
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