Do your days fly by? Boy mine do. Everyday something is planned. Guess what is for supper tomorrow night? You guessed it! BEANS! Aren't they so pretty? I spent most of my day working in my garden today. I have one really long row of green beans and this is what I picked from about 1/4 of the row. I could not believe how many I had. I cannot believe how many more I have to pick. Tomorrow the morning will be spent washing, breaking, cooking & freezing the ones that I have picked so far. Then back to the garden again to pick some more. I also spent 4 hours working on my eBay business. I hope to spend that much time on it tomorrow too. Go check it out. There is a button on my sidebar. There might be something that you can't live without! Hope you all have a blessed day.
Great harvest.........
I don't know how you do so much in one day! What a hardworking gal you are! My daughter! I am so proud of you!
There's more work than there is day in my world right now Valerie - and I don't even have a garden! (wish I did though) Your beans are beautiful and I wish I were close enough to share in your bounty. :) (I like my green beans canned though) blessings, marlene
yummm....fresh beans. I can almost taste themf
That is quite the crop, Val. Have you ever canned pickled beans with a hot pepper in them? They are such a great snack.
What a lovely, yummy harvest - off to check your ebay too!
I remember snapping beans for my mom and grandma. My grandparents had a big garden and did canning and freezing every year. I miss it!
oh oh oh! How I have been RIGHT there with you! I have gotten over 20 qts of beans canned as well..and still have some on my shelves from last year!! *and more are still growin'!* :) Aren't the veggies such a blessing?? :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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