Isn't this sweet?
This is after his surgery.
He was a brave little boy.
was convinced that whatever it was had fell out.
told him to pretend he was blowing up a balloon.
He looks so little. He is 6 years old.
Sweet Dreams
She is telling him that the doctor found a bead (like off a necklace) in his ear.
They said that there are so many things in the ocean
and that the pressure from the waves just pushes things
in peoples ears.
Brother was wrong. The doctor was right.
They took him to the Waffle House to eat so his stomach would not be skinny anymore.
He is doing great.
Well, actually Paw Paw was asking him if he was ready to fight.
They wrestle all the time.
Notice the doggie pajamas?
I made them for him last year and he wears them all the time.
Thank you all for the prayers for Brother.
Nice to see him in that last photo with such a big smile on his face. Thankful that they were able to get that bead and that all is well.
I am so glad that all turned out so well for him, Val. That is such wonderful news and it is great to see the happy face afterwards.
Oh my! Was it a pearl? I had no idea that this happens a lot, but it sure makes sense. I guess ear plugs would be a good idea! I'm so glad to see him smiling in that last couple of pictures!
What a brave little guy! We are so proud of him! Love, Brenda
So glad to hear that all went well for Brother.
So glad it went okay. Who would have ever thought that that could happen? I'm sure he's ready to play and that smile says it all!! julie
Oh bless him I'm glad he's ok.
You all look much happier now.
He is one brave little guy! It is so good to know that he is back to normal!
So glad to read that Brother is doing well and that his parents filled up his skinny tummy. What a cutie! I see Brother's Daddy has a shiner..
Glad all went well, that is amazing that things can float into ears when we are swimming in the sea!
Hello dear Valerie:-)
I've just now been able to catch up on your latest post...I hadn't realized I had missed so many! First of all, I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well for your grandson...imagine having a bead in his ear from being in the ocean!! Maybe he'll have to start wearing plugs in his ears when he goes there now, just to be on the safe side.
I so enjoyed reading about your trip to Panama City Beach and seeing the beautiful pictures. Sounds like you all had a fun time and I'm sure it was hard having to leave:-)
Wishing you a terrific weekend my friend. xoxo
I am thankful that he came through just fine. My sister had put a foil wrapper off of some candy in her ear when we were little. She complained for a long time with it and my mom couldn't see anything there,finally it worked it's way out. I am glad he didn't have to wait.
It's great to see Brother is up and about. Poor little guy...that was a skinny stomach. lol I'll bet he ate a lot at the Waffle House.
Glad to see everything went smoothly. :-)
So good to see Brother is doing good.
Wow, how strange to have something like that go into ones ear from the water.
Just glad it wasn't serious.
Valerie~ I don't know how you found my blog, but I'm so glad you did! You have a wonderful blog here...I'm joining so I can come back often! So glad that cutie of a grandson is alright....I know it wasn't serious, but I can still see a little anxiousness on the adult faces! :)...that is until it is all over! ha-ha!
Nice to see Brother up with a huge smile on his face! He is such a sweet and cute little boy.
So happy to see that your grandson's surgery went well. Hmm, a bead...isn't that a story for him to tell when he goes back to school?
Oh, poor baby! I'm so glad everything went well. They always look so little when they're in the hospital.
I'm glad he got to eat and I'm sure pj's made by grandma helped him to feel better too!
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