I asked Martha if she would mind if I shared a little about her with this post. She sent me the following email:
Hi there Valerie,
I forgot to add in my last email that I do not mind at all if you post a little something about me purchasing one of Granny's beautiful quilts.
Like I said, I'm very excited about it. Just to add to the story... I never really grew up surrounded by grandparents. I never knew my paternal grandparents because they both passed when my father was a young boy.
My mother's father passed when she was a young girl and I only grew up knowing my maternal grandmother. Unfortunately, she passed when I was young and never developed a strong relationship with her. Also, she wasn't very crafty and I never learned all the things granddaughters are supposed to learn from their grandmothers. You are so lucky to have your grandkids around you to teach them so many wonderful things and pass on traditions.
For this reason, I'm so happy I get to have a beautiful and genuine quilt made by Granny.
And, I guess you can say that I've also spiritually adopted Granny as my grandmother. I hope you don't mind. :-)
Like I mentioned in the last email, the print and colors are so pretty. The print reminds me of a fresh breeze.
Thank you once again Valerie!
Love and friendship,
Thank you Martha!
You made my day but you especially made Grannys Day!
Your quilt will soon be on the way to you!
How sweet! Granny has more grandchildren than she knows!!!
I loved this post, Valerie. What a sweet lady your granny is, and I love her sense of humor. You are so blessed to have her.
You picked a beautiful quilt for Martha - what a blessing for her and Granny both! Love Granny's comment, lol!
Yay! Thank you Valerie and especially a big thank you to Granny! :-)
Please let Granny know how amazing she is (I'm sure you do that anyway) I feel really sad today and it brought a tear to my eye.
Truly amazing what blogging has done for so many from all parts of the country. You introduced us to Granny and we all love her and Martha missed out on having a grandmother and has found one in Granny and now has an heirloom to treasure! Thank you Valerie.
How beautiful! Your posts about Granny have honored her in a way she would never have imagined. How sweet of Martha to buy one of her quilts! And Martha's note brought tears to my eyes. I know that we are all blessed to have Granny. She has more internet grandchildren than she could ever have imagined!
Gracious, gracious, gracious!! I just put on my make-up Valerie, now I have to go touch it up!! This is a precious post.
How very sweet. And what a lovely quilt you are sending to Martha. I know she will enjoy it.
oh, how wonderful! your granny is so cute. pay day! hee hee.
awww, Wow, Valerie. There is so much joy and sweet about this post my friend. So much so that it brings a little tear to my eye. Gosh, I'm speechless.
Thank you Valerie and Martha for the sweetest letters and gifts to us all. Martha, I know you will enjoy Granny's quilt. They are not only made with love, but they are lightweight and snuggly for any day or night. what a beautiful choice of colors! Way to go, Sis! Love, Brenda
Val, My grandma and granny are both gone and have been for years. I have 'adopted' your granny as I read about her and the relationship you share. I'd also love to buy one of her quilts if she has more for sale.
What a lovely post. Does your Granny know about your blog and how many people out in the whole world know about her and love her?
I'm sure Martha will feel very blessed sleeping under her new "made by granny" quilt.
hey valarie. you are a very beautiful lady and your granny is too. i think it is awesome that she is still makin quilts and they are beautiful and special. i recently got a quilt too. my mom is in a quiltin class and she and the other ladies made me a beautiful prayer quilt. it is small and so pretty. i put it up in my room. i have a pic of it and will post it on my blog. your blog is very fun to read. take care. hope God showers you with blessings.
What a precious post. I love Grannys remark about her payday. She is just the most amazing person and I think we all have sort of falling in love with your granny. I have some of my grandmothers quilts (and since I am 75 years old myself) they are quite old. Give Granny my best regards and keep posting about her. We all love it.
Omigosh, if I'd known Granny was willing to sell some of her quilts, I would have bought one way before now....oh Valerie, I would love to have one, please contact me as to the cost of the quilt and shipping, I'll pay it all!!! As I've told you before, I simply adore your granny and so many of us have adopted her as our own gran:-) To have a lovely quilt made by her own precious hands would mean the world to me. Little does she know how much she's blessed our lives. I'm still giggling at her comment about it being payday! hehe xoxo
That is just wonderful that Granny was able to make Conni and Martha.
What's nice is that everyone makes out, Granny has a payday and someone gets a beautiful quilt to sleep under.
Peggy in NJ
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