This was the day she left him with me. It was heartbreaking.
Fast forward to this week......

I received this email (along with family & close friends) from Mandy (our baby daughter) this week and I just had to share this with you. What can I say? Happy Tears!
The subject line read: PRAYERS DO GET ANSWERED
Hi everyone!
For some reason, I felt like sharing my testimony with you today. I've always felt like I didn't have a testimony. Like so many, I accepted Christ at an early age when I really didn't know exactly what it meant. Although I knew that I wanted to go to heaven, I just never really had a testimony. Anyways, finally I do and I wanted to share with you.
For some reason, I felt like sharing my testimony with you today. I've always felt like I didn't have a testimony. Like so many, I accepted Christ at an early age when I really didn't know exactly what it meant. Although I knew that I wanted to go to heaven, I just never really had a testimony. Anyways, finally I do and I wanted to share with you.
After I was blessed to stay home with my baby for 3 months after he was born, I just couldn't bare the thought of going back to work. Many times I woud say I'm just not sure how I am physically going to do it. Right before I was scheduled to go back to work, I called my boss and asked if there was anyway that I could go part time. She easily said sure and I was ecstatic........I thought this was my answer to prayers! Days later the boss called back while I was taking my baby out in his stroller for a beautiful walk and she told me that I could not go part time and that I was scheduled to come in full time on Monday. My heart sank and I had tears in my eyes. I can still go back and remember the feeling. How was I going to leave my baby?? I had been with him everyday and wanted to continue this, but I took all of the disappointment and prayed. I prayed hard- I especially prayed over the scripture James 1:6 "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea - blown and tossed by the wind." And I tried so hard to turn this over to God. I asked about part time every week thinking that was as good as it could get and then a man from our church called. He wanted to know if my husband still needed a part time job-I quickly said no, but I was a job working from home taking phone calls. I had never heard of jobs where people could work from home. I thought this was too good to be true. So, I just prayed and I was scared and I often said "this is too crazy not to be God." As you all know I took this job almost a year ago....Remember I thought part time 3 1/2 days a week would be great.......God showed me that he had the answer in HIS time. (I only went back to the bank for 4 weeks!!!!) Now I get to spend time with Davis (my baby) and am blessed with a job as well! God does answer prayers. HIS answer to my prayer was beyond my realm of thinking. I definitely work hard, but I feel so blessed and I thank God each day for this blessing.
I wanted to share this with you. I'm not sure if you may be going through something that you are praying about but know that miracles do happen. What you may be praying for is only a drop in a bucket compared to what God can do.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day.
And Look at them now!
Prayers do get answered!
Thank you Lord.
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalms 37:4
What a wonderful lesson on waiting on God. Please pass on to your daughter what an inspiration her story is.
I remember when Mandy had to leave the baby with you. It was hard on all of us, lol. This is a precious post!
I cried again reading your post about how devastated Mandy was to leave her baby. Praise the Lord, He does answer prayer!
What a beautiful testimony!It blessed my heart.Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye
Your daughter is indeed a lesson for us all to pray without ceasing. I can see why she would not want to leave that precious little boy. He is adorable!!
I am so glad you shared this with us! I understand many mothers must go to work and leave their babies, but if at all possible, if we try our hardest and go without the "extras" of life, it is so important to have a Mom at home. Especially during those first years, but also during the older years when they need a listening ear. Congratulations to Mandy on having her prayers answered and being able to be the greatest Mom she can be. I'm so glad Mandy shared her story - hopefully it can inspire other young Mom's to try the same. Thank you!
Sadly, my daughter and her husband cannot afford the basics of food, rent, and health insurance if both don't work fulltime, so I can really relate to this.
It is very true...
This brought me back to that day as well...I do remember that day. I'm so thankful to be getting to stay at home with my precious boy!
What a beautiful testimony! God is still on His throne, and he hears the cry of His children.
A beautiful, well said post!! I thank you for sharing it with the world! I had teas well up as I read it all.
Your whole family is blessed.
oh darn...
'teas' in my previous comment should be TEARS.
What a beautiful post, Val. They both look so happy now too.
I had to leave my first baby at 6 weeks to go back to work. Thankfully my mother in law was her caretaker. There were still tears everyday though! My second baby, I had to go back when she was 3 months. My mother in law called and said she couldn't handle two babies! yippee....I quit my job and we did without alot of extras...I loved being home with my babies!
What a wonderful testimony Valerie. Most important is that she knows where her blessing came from and doesn't hesitate to give Him the glory! blessings, marlene
I remember reading your former post...and had tears.
Wow, what a year brings...just look at that cutie!
Your daughter is sooooo gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing that. What a blessing that God answers prayer and even better...when we realize what amazing things He's done!
Oh, Valerie, that really brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful testimony of an answered prayer for sure!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, you know my situation with my DIL and I've decided to leave it in God's hands. I haven't even seen a picture of Lily from Christmas or from their trip to Mexico with her before the holidays (Corey told me they had gone) and it hurts terribly BUT God knows what He's doing so I'm hanging in there:-) xoxo
Tell Mandy thank you for sharing her testimony. It comes at a time for me that I really needed it.
I needed this today - please thank Mandy for me!
Very touching, in a world where so many are glad to leave the baby and go persue their own desires.
What an awesome testimony to God's grace and timing! I'm so happy for your girl!
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