For Today...............Jan. 18, 2010
Outside my window........................ there is lots of fog and it is cold.
I am thinking................................... of everything I have to do this week.
I am thankful...................................that I have had work that has just fell in my lap from nowhere that my hubby is involved in. Wonder who that blessing is from??? I know where my help cometh from.
I am wearing....................................Don't laugh.....overalls and tennis shoes!!!
I am remembering..........................going to my daughter Maranda's house and how I felt peace and love in her and Lanes new home. They are so happy.
I am going......................................... to work and it is hard work but it is work that I love.
I am currently reading...................The Covenant by Beverly Lewis in my "down"time.
I am hoping for................................answered prayers.
On my mind.....................................I am thinking of all of my children and grandchildren and want for them nothing but happiness and love.
Noticing that....................................The Lord always gives us what we need when we need it but HE expects us to work.
Pondering these words..................If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
From the kitchen............................Hen in the crockpot, baked beans and potato salad for supper when I get home.
Around the home............................needs a little TLC but will do my 15 minutes tonight. It will still be here.
One of my favorite things..............the leadership of my sweet husband. We were at a restaurant the other day. The waiter wanted to give me a free meal and act like it was my birthday but it was a lie. The waiter kept saying, "God Bless you" and stuff like that and smiling really big. I was speechless. He even asked my name and had it announced. He was working on a big tip. But little did he know that I am married to a Godly man who spoke up at the end and said we would rather not do that. The waiter asked why. My husband said, it is not her birthday. The waiter said, it doesn't matter- you get the meal free. My sweet husband said we would rather not lie. We would rather pay for her meal. I LOVE the leadership and Christian walk that my husband has and how he takes care of me. We left a good tip anyway and we pray that the waiter will learn a lesson from this. If we will just stay out of the way, the Lord will bless us if we are in HIS will. Sometimes we try to help him out and it just doesn't work. Thank you Lord for a Godly man and example in my life.
From my picture journal..............My sisters, my Mom and me looking at quilt Mom is making.
To read more Simple Woman Daybook Entries click :Here!
You are blessed all the way around Valerie. What makes it even more special is that you recognize it and don't take it for granted!
Another great read, Val. I am so glad that you let the waiter know your feelings. You never know how that might "hit" him someday.
Oh Val what a sweet testimony about your husband. My hubby is the same way. What a blessing to be married to such God honoring guys. Thanks for your Daybook. I joined in today too :-)
Lots of fog and cold here too - what a sweet husband you have, thank God for men who follow Him. Love the quilt your mum is making!
Hey Val! I just love reading your blogs!! I have to agree with Daria when she said, "You are blessed all the way around. What makes it even more special is that you recognize it and don't take it for granted!" I love you so much and we need to schedule a day together very soon! I miss you so very much!! Love, Cindy
Another wonderful post! Thanks for sharing the experience at the restaurant, I am amazed that a waiter would do that! But I am not amazed at Randy's reaction to it, he is a man of integrity.
I made my Daughter a Dutch Girl quilt when she was in college. She sleeps under it every night although it is getting pretty ragged.
I loved what you shared about your man. That is precious.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my post.
Honey Bear changed his car breaks on Saturday. He had taken it into the shop and they wanted $600 labor. I'm glad he can still do things like that but he paid for it in aching muscles. We're not as young or as active as we used to be. I cleaned the garage today.
Praise for the work that came your way.
Mama Bear
Oh, I forgot to include something. I have read that series by Beverly Lewis and I really enjoyed it.
Mama Bear
What a lovely entry. I agree with Darla too.
I love this Simple Woman's Daybook!!! It is fun to do . You are very blessed. Having a Godly husband is truly a blessing!!!Have one that walks it out is priceless!!
A wonderful post Valerie. I love the photo of all of you with your Mom and the lovely quilt. Blessings to you dear friend.
Somebody has a birthday today, Tuesday. A very happy birthday to a great lady.
I'm enjoying all your posts although I'm lagging behind a bit. I want to wish you an especially HAPPY BIRTHDAY too. HUGS!
G'morn, Valerie ~ What a wonderful DH. Hugs to him. I love the writings & your inner thoughts.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Great post and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a wonderful day
What a lovely post, and a Happy Birthday to you (Happy Cottage Quilter sent me over) xx
I did not know it was your birthday. Is it on the 18th. My mom's is the 19th. I am going to post tonight (hopefully) I hope you had a great birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Valerie
Happy Birthday to youuuu!!!
I do hope you're having an absolutely wonderful day celebrating YOU with your family and friends. xoxo
Happy Birthday Valerie!!! Hope your day is filled with family, love and maybe even a fat quarter or two!
Happy, Happy Birthday Val. Hope your day has been wonderful so far. Love your posts.
Google doesn't always allow me to make a comment or maybe it is my computer....just can't figure it out. Oh, well I can still read your post!
Happy Birthday! I miss you!
Happy Birthday... a little "birdie" told us!!!
We love our Godly men in our lives, I don't say it enough. Happy Cottage sent me to tell you Happy Birthday, Valerie! (I just got to her post before I got to yours)
:-} pokey
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sweet friend. May your day & celebration be wonderful.
TTFN ~Marydon
Valerie can you check your spam folder. I sen't an email a couple of days ago about the RAK.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET VALERIE!!!!!!!! I hope you had lots of cake and gifties!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday dear Val! What a wonderful day you had with your family! Like you, I am blessed with lots of sweet family around me and I am so thankful for it. So glad that your hubby set such a good example for the waiter. I'm sure many people would have lied and taken the free meal. It wouldn't be worth it to me to have to lie about it.
We're up here in the snow and it is so beautiful outside. I am enjoying it so much but glad that I don't have to be out on the slippery roads.
Now to eat some lunch and then do some sewing!! xoxox
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