Lana Maturey sent all this to Granny.
She cut over 700 squares for Granny and labeled them telling how many is in each bag.
Granny was amazed. I was too.
She also put some extra fabric in there.
Can you see the little bar of soap?
It says Jesus Loves Me!

Then she sent her a sweet letter. Granny read every word outloud.
Thank you Lana!
What a Gift of Love!

Here she is looking at one of the bags of squares.
She was saying how she loved the colors.
Thank you for loving my little Granny!

Here Granny is reading a card from Susie Rhodes.
She purchased a quilt from Granny and should be receiving it any day now.
She trusted me to pick it out. I hope you love it!
Granny loved the card. Susie told her that she loved her spunk!
Granny got a kick out of that. And then she asked me what it meant!!
I told her that Susie and all of us love the "get up and go" in her.
She said, "well Beth(that is what she calls me), if you weren't selling my quilts, I would not have anything to get up for. She said she dreams about sewing her quilts and cannot wait to get up and start. I would say that is "spunk", wouldn't you?
Thank you Susie!
Becky sent all of this to me! Along with wanting to learn embroidery and quilting I have admired her card making for a long time. I want to learn how to do this soooo bad!!
So she sent me this to get me started. I could not believe what all was in this.
I am gonna get started on this soon!
Thank you Becky! Check out her blog by clicking on her name. You will love it!

This is my dad and my sister Karen back at Thanksgiving.

Last Saturday I was at my Moms visiting and seeing her new sewing machine.
My Dad was on his way to my sister Karens house and stopped by to show us the quilt he had made for her! Is he fast or what? I could not believe that he had it made it already. I talked to Karen on the phone and she LOVES it. She already had it on her bed.
This is my MOM showing the pin cushion that she received from Bobbi! She loves it!
Thank you Bobbi from me, my Mom, & Granny.
Is my Mom not gorgeous???
Then on Sunday (the day after Daddy delivered Karens quilt to her), he brought mine to me! Can you believe that? He got all of our quilts done within a week! I just love mine.
Me and Karen got one almost alike! Isn't that sweet for my daddy to make each one of his daughters a quilt? It means the world to us. You can tell he is my Granny's son, can't you???
All of these gifts of love mean the world to me. I also want to tell everyone that has been praying for me that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel your prayers and it has given me so much strength. That is a gift above all gifts. Thank you is not enough.
I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.
Phillipians 4:13
You are so blessed! What a wonderful family you have. I can't tell you how much I love your Granny. She is truly amazing.
And I love that your Dad is quilting - I'm so impressed!
Hi Valerie, It is so nice to see your family members and the beautiful quilts. You all remain in my heart and prayers.
I love hearing about your family and seeing pictures. How nice that you and your sister have nearly-matching quilts like that...and made by your dad....extra-special. Your mom is a VERY pretty lady, by the way!
Granny is a loved person by many!
The quilts your Dad made are so special...lots of love and meaning is stitiched into them.
As you know the bible verse you have at the end of your post is a favorite of mine and is excellent advice for daily living.
what a sweet day for all of you. your dad is a quilting machine. i love your family and it has made me look at a few things about myself as a person, daughter, mom, wife, and friend.
You are blessed!
Ah sweetie how blessed you are - what lovely gifts!! I love that your dad's quilting, and that he's as quick as Granny - it must run in the family! How special that you have a quilt from Granny and now your dad!
I adore Granny.
Hi Val! So glad you liked all the goodies! And you can ask all the questions you want or need to ask! I guess the best place to start is go somewhere like Walmart or a craft store and buy a package of blank cards and envelopes, and just start piling things on! Ribbon, buttons, fabric, charms, papers, anything you like can go on cards! Most of all, have fun! Becky
We already know what a star that Granny is...look at your Dad!! Ya'll are some quilting experts around there!
I love all that fabric that Granny received! And all your crafty card stock you got, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my pin cushion that I received! I know you and your sisters are so proud of the quilts your Dad made for you. He is amazing!
I love seeing the pictures of your beautiful and loving family, Val.
I am amazed at the speed of your dad's quilting. That is incredible!
Yes....your mom is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
i haven't visited in ages! and i am pleasantly reminded of how absolutely loveable you and your granny are. thanks so much for sharing her with us :]
O Valerie!
What a wonderful family you all share - and TALENT too!
I agree with you - your Dad is one special fellow! And FAST too!!!
I love the red quilts - they are so beautiful and I loved that blue one your granny made.
All I can say is :"WOW, Wow and Wow again!
Oh my! Aren't the people in bloggsville just the best?! What a lovely post to read this morning, I am so glad that Granny is being blessed by so many as she is a blessing to us!
Wow! It must run in the family to get those quilts done so fast! What a nice gift from your Dad to you and your sister!!!! They will be treasured forever!
Another blessing that I have found in this blogging world is how we care about each other and pray for one another when there is a need and even when not. I am so glad that I have met you all!
Your embroidery is lovely, you are doing such a good job! You will have fun learning so many different stitches along the way. I love making French knots, they are fun and I did a whole sheep with them once. Now that's a lot of French knots! :o)
Have a wonderful weekend. Don't know what your weather is but we are getting deluged with rain. Good weather to stay in and cook and sew! xoxox
Anything my Daddy made/found/bought and gave me is special! Monday it will be 6 years since he joined Jesus in Heaven and I miss him every single day. blessings, marlene
Hi! I came across this post after doing a quick search of my mom's name, Lana Maturey. I know this posting is old and you may not respond, but it seems my mother touched your family in a way I never knew.
She was an avid quilter all of her life and that was one of the biggest passions she exhibited throughout our childhood. This was a special gift that she had and she tried to share it as best she could.
On January 4th, 2011, she lost her battle with cancer and this rare talent was taken away from us forever. I am so proud that my mother could affect your family in such a positive way and that you could know a small piece of that joy she could bring.
I hope that her spirit lives on through the contributions she has made to you and your granny!
Craig Maturey
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