For Today: Feb. 8, 2010
Outside my window.........................It looks cloudy and cold.
I am thinking.........................How HE tells us that all things work together for good and I am counting on that.
I am thankful for..........................a morning off from work but also thankful for our business.
I am wearing........................P.J.'s!
I am remembering..............the movie I watched yesterday, Wuthering Heights (1939). I LOVED it.
I am going...................to be home this morning.
I am currently reading.........................The Prodigal by Beverly Lewis.
I am hoping ..................................for a peaceful day with no surprises.
On my mind..........................."Little D"(my youngest grandson) walking like a big boy!
Noticing that......................as I have gotten older I don't need or want as much.
Pondering these words........................."For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."2 Timothy 1:7
From the kitchen.................nothing right now, but will be hamburgers & fried potatoes!
Around the house..............Laundry is done, ironing caught up, vacuuming done! I will be concentrating on dusting today. (I set the timer and spend 15 minutes per flylady!!)
One of my favorite things...........................staying home.
I am wishing.........................my sweet MOM
a very Happy Birthday tomorrow!
a very Happy Birthday tomorrow!
I am praying for.............................a lost lamb to find their way to Jesus.
From my picture journal..........................Me, my husband and our grands!!!
We are so blessed.
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G'morn, Valerie ~
What a lovely write ... and DARLING photo of you all. Aren't gr-kidlings the best!
Happy Valentine's
Have a beautiful week!
Hugs, Marydon
Such a joyful photo of all of you! I hope you have a warm, comfy morning and those fried potatoes sound so good to me! Praying for you and yours this day and every day Valerie. I promise.
Enjoyed the post...and the picture is wonderful...lots of love in it.
Love the post - and joining you in that prayer!
I love your post today, and prayer is good in all thing, Enjoy your photo of your family, beautiful, I have my 2 and 3 yrs old grandbabys today, so they kept me busy, they are with me in my sewing room, don't get a lot done but that ok also. your quilt of the month is really pretty, I'm finishing a sampler up now, just got some applique work to do and it will be ready to quilt. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Love your sweet picture. I always enjoy reading about your day. Please stop over at my blog, as I have given you an award :-)
Also thanks for your nice comment, I will be a follower of you blog also, I do enjoy reading your blog. My 2 yrs is a sleep now so I'm going to sew on a pageant casual wear for a while and then I got to take him to meet his mom to go home.My 3 yrs old is setting in my lap for now, want last long. HAVE A BLESSFUL DAY!
That is funny, my brothers birthday is tomorrow. Remember me saying your birthday and my moms is the same.
I am praying with you. Glad you get to be home today!
Oh yes that is a favorite scripture of mine too! Just pray and stand...let God do the work...
I do hope your day has ended up being a quiet one as you had hoped:-) Very cold here as well, it's 21F as I type this but at least the sun has been shining every day this past week so I'm happy! Love that picture of you, your hubby and your grands:-) xoxo
Wonderful post, I hope you enjoyed your day at home.
LOVE the photo and hope you enjoyed your time at home.....still praying!
Have a GREAT week!
Hello Val.....I love to read your posts. I smile everytime I head to your blog. The picture of you and your hubby and the grands is so precious.....such memories! Hope all is going well...I happily continue with my prayers.
Some of your answers could have been mine.
I did my daybook, today.
Happy Birthday to your Mom.
I hope Granny is feeling better.
Mama Bear
I have enjoyed reading about your lovely Grandmother. How lucky you are to have both a Mother and a Grandmother! And I am interested in buying one of her quilts. How to I purchase one?
I want to be like your Grandmother when I grow up!
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