For Today: Feb.16, 2010 from my journal.
Outside my window................it looks damp and cold.
I am thinking.....................of everything I have to do today.
I am thankful...............for today and how I am learning to embrace everyday as it is and as it comes.
I am wearing...................blue jeans & red shirt.
I am remembering........................Spring time, open windows, my gardens, grands playing outside. (Sigh).
I am going...................to take pictures of 2 houses and get them listed today along with many more things.
I am currently reading................The Prodigal by Beverly Lewis.
I am hoping..................that my shoulder doesn't hurt today.
On my mind...................is the project that I am working on.
Noticing that...................when Mom challenged me to do 30 minutes a day in my sewing room, that it does make me get things done. I see progress.
I am creating..........a baby quilt for a sweet friend and having way too much fun doing it!!!
Pondering these words....................HE has it all under control.
From The kitchen...............chicken, potatoes & carrots, green beans & homemade bread.
Around the house.................today is my bathroom cleaning day. How FUN is that???
One of my favorite things....................4 little blessings....my grands!
I am wishing..................that everyone could be happy and content.
I am praying for..................my family.
From my picture journal...............I bought this massage chair several years ago for a fathers day present for my sweet hubby. Even though he has back problems, he never ever sits in it, but I DO!! Happy Fathers Day to me! I LOVE it. Ha!
To join in or just read the entries, go to http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
Hi Val,
I love your journal today.
And I see you listed the book you are on....these are just the best aren't they?
Oh that chair looks wonderful...we have a HOMEDIC pad that we use. It is the full length of your body and heats and vibrates and feels soooo good. Imagine what a chair can do! sigh!!!
Hugs, Karen
Love your journal.
I wish for a chair like yours. I am suffering from sciatica in both legs. So I am up and down because I can't get comfortable.
Have a blessed day!
I love reading your day journal. I hope you have a blessed day. I have read all of Beverly Lewis's books. I love them.
Journal thoughts are great...perhaps a bit of worry in some of the postings - but you have the faith the Lord will guide you down the path.
Enjoy the week.
I am sighing also from all this cold wintry weather! Thank God for the promise of spring! Have a blessed day, honey.
Love your daybook sweetie - praying for your family too!
I so enjoyed reading your journal and oh yes, isn't cleaning the bathroom just so much fun? NOT! lol I think we're all starting to want Spring to come around sooner than later...having my windows open is one of the things I miss the most. Just feel so closed in all winter long. Don't you love it when you buy something for someone and you end up using it? hehe xoxo
Oh...I need to try to imagine the windows are open...and the birds are chirping.....and the skies are blue with a bright, shining sun. AHHHH.....soon.....RIGHT????
Val, thanks for sharing about your day today. Hope your shoulder is better.
I enjoyed reading your daybook.
I need to do that 30 minute thing because lately, I've not been spending any time sewing or hand quilting. I have been cross stitching, though.
Mama Bear
Hope your shoulder is feeling better. Funny how sometimes the gifts we choose others end up being just right for us! The chair looks wonderfully comfortable. Can't wait to see the baby quilt you are working on.
I enjoy your blog today, hope your shoulder get better, I had my grands, today no school in the county where they live.Maybe spring want be long off, i sure hope not. If God bring you to it ,he will bring you through it. God bless Connie
Love the journal!!! Your chair is great!!
hi, I just popped over from My colonial home.
I love your site and your dedication to your family.
Take care
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