I am very proud of my Mother.
Look at my Moms rose garden. Her flowers are just gorgeous.
I look huge compared to my Mom. She is a tiny thing but I did have on heels!
Today I was able to go and sit down and just enjoy a sweet visit with Mom today. She has the most beautiful home. It is just so peaceful there. I am blessed to have my Mom. There really are no words to describe her. There is nothing like my mothers love. She is so special to me.
Today I was able to go and sit down and just enjoy a sweet visit with Mom today. She has the most beautiful home. It is just so peaceful there. I am blessed to have my Mom. There really are no words to describe her. There is nothing like my mothers love. She is so special to me.
What a nice post about your mom. You are lucky to still have your mom. Mine died 21 years ago now. *sigh*
Beautiful Mom and beautiful roses!
Honey, thanks for coming and visiting with me today! I was so glad to spend time with you. You are just too sweet to me! I love you, and happy Mother's day to you!
Happy Mother's Day to both of you grace-filled ladies!
I'm so glad you got to spend time with your mother. I hope it was a wonderful day for both of you!
What a wonderful blessing that you have each other. AND a very sweet post that you have written about you Mom, Valerie. I think you both are so special together.
How nice to spend time with your Mum.
Love the roses too
Your mom is beautiful, and so are you. Happy Mother's day to both of you. You both are blessed to have each other.
Your mum is very beautiful Val, a mother's love is SO special! Her garden is AMAZING. Happy Mother's Day to both of you!
Wishing you and your Mom a very Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom! So nice to see that you enjoyed your day together.
Hi Valerie, your mother is a beautiful lady. It's always nice to be able to go back home to the comforts of mom. Hugs~Carol
You both are blessed to have each other. Beautiful photos of beautiful ladies.
You are blessed. I hope it was a happy day for both of you.
Mama Bear
She truly is beautiful inside and out, Val!
What a beautiful post about your mom.
She is a verly lovely woman.
You both are blessed.
A lovely post!!
you are bless to still have your Mom, My mother pass away when she was 54. I do miss her it is been 40 years now. you and your mother are beautiful people, enjoy one another..... her flowers are really pretty. Have a bless week!
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