Friday, December 11, 2020

A Quiet, Simple, Ordinary Day

This morning I did a short post on a quiet, simple ordinary day.
It really makes you stop and think.

The other day I made sausage balls for my family.
I haven't seen them but I froze them for them. 
We are actually at the "Little House" right now.
I am doing nothing but relaxing.
It is so nice.

I remember when boring was really boring.
I love boring now.
I really love it.

It is too bad that we don't know when we are young what we know now.
It kind of seems backwards.
I loved weekends because it meant 
parties with friends or going somewhere 
back when I was young.
Wow. What a waste.
But maybe that is what makes me appreciate these days now.
And the friends that are true friends, I wouldn't take anything for.
I know who will be there and who won't.

I hated rainy days when I was younger.
Oh my! What was I thinking?
A rainy day or a snow day is precious to me now.

I often tell my children when things go wrong that
they have to go through things to get where they are going.
I truly believe we are all looking for......
A quiet, simple, ordinary day.
We just don't know it.

I put a quote on my facebook page this morning that I hope I will never forget.
And I don't think I will because I lived it when I was diagnosed with cancer.

"Everyday is ordinary...........until it isn't."



1 comment:

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Val, you do have a blog so here I am. I am a new follower. What you are cooking looks so good and I do agree with you about the horse coming before the cart! How much smarter we would be had we gone the Benjamin Button route! Cancer can really change a person. I am an survivor, my daughter is a breast cancer survivor of over 16 years and we lost our son, so we have been taught some hard lessons, but I am becoming more optimistic about the coming year. 2021 seems to be giving us some things to look forward to. I love the picture of your farm house..Stay well..Help is on the way..xxoJudy