She looked at me and said, "What have you got"?
I told her that she sold another quilt. I told her this one was from my friend Connie in Indiana.
She said, how do you know all these people and how do they know about my quilts?
I reminded her of my blog but she just doesn't understand. She was so tickled though.
Connie, you made her day!
I read both of them to her. She said she could not wait to just sit and read them by herself.
She said the cards were worth more than the money. I gave her the envelopes so she could see that these friends lived far away. She just can't believe it.
I told both Connie & Martha that Granny is almost 96 years old and her quilts are not perfect by any means but I sleep under one every night. Last Christmas I bought 3 of my grandchildren a quilt from Granny and they also sleep with one on their bed every night too.
I have to tell you what Granny said. She told me that she was running short this month. They filled up her tank with gas for her heater for the winter time and it was a big chunk. She said, "The Lord is so good." She said that money that Connie sent came right on time when she needed it. She got tears in her eyes and said "I am so blessed, Beth (that is what she calls me)".
When I started to leave she looked at me and said I can't wait until you come again. She always says how much she appreciates me. You would think I just come once a month or something. I try to go at least once a week. She always says the same thing everytime I leave but this time she added this:
I can't wait until you come again. I sure do appreciate you Beth. I hope you bring a check with you next time!!!!!!! (she just giggled)
She loved it. It made her day. What a blessing!
Thank you Connie!
Martha & Connie......Your quilts will be shipped out tomorrow.
Thank you for blessing Granny!
I can't wait until you come again. I sure do appreciate you Beth. I hope you bring a check with you next time!!!!!!! (she just giggled)
She loved it. It made her day. What a blessing!
Thank you Connie!
Martha & Connie......Your quilts will be shipped out tomorrow.
Thank you for blessing Granny!
Thank you for visiting our blog and for leaving such a sweet comment. It is so nice of you because I was able to meet you! You have a very nice blog and your grandma looks so sweet. Have a very nice week! Twyla
On the contrary, I am the one that feels blessed to be receiving one of Granny's quilts.
It's amazing how the Lord works in mysterious ways. Someone from above is watching out for Granny. :-)
What a charming woman your Granny is. It is delightful to read her reactions.
she sounds sweet...and she is very talented!
A very heart-warming story. God bless Granny.
I love this post, and Granny makes the real, old fashioned quilts. Made practically and for use, but also very pretty . I especially like the yellow and white quilt she made. Any bed would be cheery with that on it. Sounds like Granny has a healthy sense of humor too.
God is soo good!! Lovely story...
Granny is truly an icon in this day and time. And the interesting thing is, she does not know it! Because of you, everyone loves Granny! And if they could meet her in person, they would even love her more.
What a sweet post about Granny. I am so much looking forward to having her quilt and I plan to put it on my bed and sleep under it this winter. I love the color yellow, it is so sunny and warm. Thanks to Granny for making it and to you for assisting me in getting it. Granny and you both bless me over and over again as I read about her on your blog. Thanks so much.
I would love to meet Granny--she is an inspiration. You are a true blessing in her life. What a wonderful example of Christ-like love the two of you are. Have a blessed day. Julie
hi there, just stumbled on your lovely blog and read about your grans quilts i would love to buy one of these too any colour!how do i go about sending details?PS. I live in Ireland!
Granny being blessed as you bless others with your blogging about her!!
Love it!!!
To me quilting has never been about perfection but about part of yourself shared with others you love or care for, like Granny!
You are a chip off that wonderful block... your light shines out from your written words.
Hugs to both you and Granny!!
I love your blog...and I love your granny! I never had a granny, but I have a quilt that she made. I treasure it! And by the look way too young to be a grandma yourself. lol
This brought tears to my eyes - what a blessing Granny is, I'm so glad to see her being blessed too! I wish I could buy a Granny quilt. She's a special lady for sure.
Oh Valerie, how delightful. I am so touched by the sense of exhilaration she seems to express and the sheer pure gratitude. The Lord blesses those that help themselves. She's been a hard working woman all her life and now all the worlds life has come to greet her at her doorstop - thru you.
Just thinking about the sense of abundance she must feel, just wondering how she reflects upon it all makes me so happy. You know her thoughts are of wonder, joy & love.
I wouldn't mind someone who visited me with a check once in a while! Your granny sounds like an awesome lady and how wonderful it would be to have a Granny Quilt. Perfect is in the eye of the beholder!
How wonderful....I'd be honored to have one of Granny's quilts I can tell you that! She's just precious and her ledgend will live on in your memories and her quilts...lucky gals who bought them.
Thanks for sharing this great post again with us Valerie.
What a beautiful Granny you have - so lucky to have her for so long. Blessing to you both:-)
I didn't know she was selling her quilts - I must have missed that post! But what a treasure one of her quilts would be. blessings, marlene
I'm sure the world of blogging must seem really strange to Granny. It's great for all of us though that we can peek into her life! (I have tears now)
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