Can you tell I love her so much?
Before you watch the video I would first like to apologize for how I look.
I look horrible! Oh well! Also, I apologize for talking so loud but Granny cannot hear well. Also, I would like to tell you that on the video you will hear me say that I know the winner. I do but only through blogging. My family or friends were not in the drawing even though they have purchased quilts. They chose not to be. Also you will hear Granny trying to tell me that she would give the quilt herself but I had already purchased one from her just for this. She is the sweetest thing. She is my hero!
There are so many that I would like to thank for helping me. There were several who suggested bloggers sending birthday cards to Granny. So many of you have blessed Granny by buying quilts from her. Martha ( )started this ball rolling by asking to buy the first quilt. Then Mary ( made the Granny Fan Button for me. All the gifts were amazing.
My best friend Vicki sacrificed her time to visit Granny so she made the video for me. Marlene ( ) wrote a beautiful post about Granny's quilts. (I will post this on the sidebar for you to read.) And now Granny is in a newsletter on line ( )
She is famous! What a blessing she is to all of us especially me.
I know I have left many of you out but all I can say is Thank you to everyone for being great friends & loving my little Granny!
Thank you to everyone but most of all
"Thank you Granny!"
And the winner is......
If the video doesn't work, just keep trying.
Congratulations to Kim @
This was fun and I thank you all!
Congrats to the winner!! Great idea, mom!!
What a cute way to choose the winner, Val. Congratulations to Kim and many wonderful blessings to all those who have made Granny such an inspiration for, especially!
I'm glad that Granny had a great Birthday. I still want to buy a quilt. I thought I had sent an email but maybe not.
Mama Bear
Best wishes to Kim for winning...Val, a thanks to you for inviting to the drawing.
You all have a great weekend!
You have such a beauitful granny! Happy Birthday!!!!
Congratulations to Kim!! I'm so excited for her. Granny looked so pretty at her birthday dinner.
And she's also been written about on a newsletter? Wow.She's hit the big time now! lol
I hope everyone is staying warm with their Granny quilt. :-)
Have a great day!!
Oh my goodness, Val, I am so excited! I got home from work and was watching the video of Granny picking out her name. I was sitting here feeling happy and excited just watching and I was so shocked and surprised to see that it was me!!!! You are the best! Thank you so much for doing this and for letting me share in your and Granny's life! This is a wonderful surprise!
Congrats to my bestest friend! I say we are all winners for getting to know Val and her granny and the rest of her family. If granny could only understand blog world?????
I wish I could put into words how my heart lept while watching this. Congratulations to the winner. You know what Val? We are all winners and have gleaned so much from you taking the time to share your Precious Granny!!
I absolutely love the way you decided to have the winner's name Granny herself and filmed on video!! Perfect! Congratulations to Kim on being the winner of the quilt. We're all winners, though, because we have Granny in our hearts:-) xoxo
Congrats to Kim and how sweet to see Granny enjoying her special day.
Congratulations to Kim! I will go over there and visit her blog! And thanks to everyone who did so much to give Granny a great birthday! I know she loved it.
Congratulations to Kim!!!! Val, this was so special how you did this - I loved the video - and btw, you looked BEAUTIFUL! You couldn't look bad if you tried, lol.
I agree with everyone else, that we're all winners because of Granny - I'm so thankful to you for sharing her, she's made such an impact on my life and everyone else's.
Congrats to Kim and thanks for sharing Granny's BD with all of us Val!
I've enjoyed be a part of it!
I'm adding my congratulations to Kim too!
And another belated happy birthday wish to Granny.
this is so NEAT! Happy birthday, Val's Granny!
It sounds like Granny had the best of birthdays. She is just lovely. I am so happy that I got to know her just a little bit.
Congratulations to Kim. She will cherish that quilt forever.
Wonderful to see you all! Happy Birthday Granny! We love you! We love you all!
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