At the same time my sweet hubby was on the other end of the bypass that I was on coming my way and we would talk on the phone to find out where each other were. I was so scared. I don't guess I have ever driven in weather like this. I am sure that many of you have this all the time but we don't. My husband said that he had never saw it that bad EVER!

We live across a small mountain & it was closed due to the ice, so we had to go on a back road home. At least there wasn't much traffic slipping and sliding. During this afternoon in the car, I was on the phone constantly with my Mom & dad, my children, my husband & a good friend. I am so thankful that everyone made it home safely. During the stress of this afternoon trip I had a lot of time to sit in the car and think, in the midst of dodging cars! I could not help but to think how this storm came so quick. When I left my house the roads were a little wet and there was some sleet but not bad or I would not have got out on the road. I thought to myself about trials or storms in our life and how they hit us from no where and come so quick. One day can be fine and the next we are in the middle of a trial. One day we don't know what to do and are on the verge of tears constantly. Nothing else matters except the trial we are in. Life kind of stops. We function, but focus on the trial. That is the way it was this afternoon. I just wanted to get home where I would be safe. When our trial is over life goes on & things get better until the next time. This too shall pass. I thought to myself about how we just have to get through it just like I had to get through this afternoon. Life will go on. We just have to keep our focus where it should be and know where home is. Home in our storms of life is our Lord. Remember Peter when he walked out on the water? He said, LORD SAVE ME and when he got into the ship the winds ceased. That tells me that when the storms come, we need to get into the ship. Isn't it funny when a trial comes it makes us go to HIM?
And Peter answered HIM and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me to come unto thee on the water. And HE said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, LORD, SAVE ME. And immediately Jesus stretched forth HIS hand and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
We live across a small mountain & it was closed due to the ice, so we had to go on a back road home. At least there wasn't much traffic slipping and sliding. During this afternoon in the car, I was on the phone constantly with my Mom & dad, my children, my husband & a good friend. I am so thankful that everyone made it home safely. During the stress of this afternoon trip I had a lot of time to sit in the car and think, in the midst of dodging cars! I could not help but to think how this storm came so quick. When I left my house the roads were a little wet and there was some sleet but not bad or I would not have got out on the road. I thought to myself about trials or storms in our life and how they hit us from no where and come so quick. One day can be fine and the next we are in the middle of a trial. One day we don't know what to do and are on the verge of tears constantly. Nothing else matters except the trial we are in. Life kind of stops. We function, but focus on the trial. That is the way it was this afternoon. I just wanted to get home where I would be safe. When our trial is over life goes on & things get better until the next time. This too shall pass. I thought to myself about how we just have to get through it just like I had to get through this afternoon. Life will go on. We just have to keep our focus where it should be and know where home is. Home in our storms of life is our Lord. Remember Peter when he walked out on the water? He said, LORD SAVE ME and when he got into the ship the winds ceased. That tells me that when the storms come, we need to get into the ship. Isn't it funny when a trial comes it makes us go to HIM?
And Peter answered HIM and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me to come unto thee on the water. And HE said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, LORD, SAVE ME. And immediately Jesus stretched forth HIS hand and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.
Matthew 14: 28-32
When HE is all we have, HE is all we need.
Weather I can understand - ice, sleet and snow we have been having in the past 36 housrs....but fortunately we have not had to get out in it and drive.
We must rely upon the Lord in all our daily activities and just not the large ones we can not handle on our own...he knows our every need anyway.
Stay warm and in the house (if possible) this weekend.
I am so sorry you had to be out in that kind of driving weather. I have done that a few times over the years and it is very frightening. I pray that you are safe and warm all weekend and can relax and not be under any stress.
Me Too - I am so glad that you made it home safely! That stuff just scares me to death!
We are getting it here in VA. too.
What a very scary situation to be in. Val, this was something I read today in a devotional -
In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Phil. 4:6,7 (RV)
Just think of having His wonderful peace guarding one's heart and one's thoughts all day long. But it is only on condition that we fulfil the sixth verse, "In nothing be anxious,"--this is a distinct command, and, if we fail to fulfil it, we shall not get the blessing. Sorrow even is anxiety, and should be laid upon our blessed Lord. Then in prayer and supplication we must not forget that thanksgiving is also distinctly commanded; we must praise God for His dealings with us, even though we cannot make them out at times. Pray God to make you cease from anxiety about yourself and your plans; just be willing to do the work our dear Father gives you at the time.
Oh sweetie I'm so glad you're home safe - I LOVE to drive in this stuff but I'm used to it. You're so right about how quickly things can change.
Remember, Peter didn't start to sink until he took his eyes off Jesus - he looked at the storm instead of the Lord. Keep your eyes on Jesus, dear one!
I'm glad you and yours made it home safe and sound. We get that kind of weather occasionally here in Indiana. I do NOT like winter! Haha!
We had an ice storm last year that was just like that. My 45 minute drive took me nearly 4 hours. There wasn't even slush on the roads. It was literally a sheet of ice. You couldn't stop or turn or anything. Even when you were crawling in your car, stopping was impossible. I actually pulled into the drive at my kids' daycare and when I put on the brakes, my car stopped and then proceeded to slide back DOWN the drive!
I've driven in the snow and ice for years, well at least since I've had my license. (I'm 33.) I still get freaked out driving on the ice.
You guys please stay safe and warm and all bundled up inside!
Thank you, Val. I so enjoy being reminded to let my Lord lead the way.
The slippery roads are so scary. My car doesn't like the least bit of snow and we get a lot of it hear. Glad your safe and sound.
I was so glad when you called and said you were both home safe and sound! We don't deal well with this kind of weather here in the south, our county is not prepared for it and we don't know how to drive in it, which causes very much danger for all. Praise the Lord, He took care of you, and gave you an inspirational lesson as well! Love, MOM
Thanks to Him for your safe return home and that all your loved ones are safe as well.
I so understand what you wrote avout storms in our lives. We don't see them coming most of the time and they can be terribly intense...... It's so great to read your story.....!
And I'm so thankful to know our Lord Jesus Christ!! I've had a very strenuous week; cried all monday and tuesday.... but the Lord is my salvation and rest! Thanks for your reminder and also for the bible-passage. And the passage of Phil 4: 6-9 I got this week from a sister in the Lord.... Just great!
Greetings from the Netherlands!
I know just how you were feeling out in that! In Alabama we have ferocious ice storms every few years! I am so glad you made it back home without incident!
God is so good!
I don't mind snow Valerie, but ice terrifies me. I hate that you were out in it. It iced here too but I was in the bed with a stomach virus. I had planned to spend the day cleaning house but didn't make it - maybe today! blessings, marlene
I'm so glad you go home safely, but I know how scary it can be. Ice is a nasty thing.
Think of you daily, my dear friend, and praying for all things to be well.
be blessed,
I'm glad all of this turned out well for you guys. Isn't it funny how God gets our attention?
What a bad situation to be stuck in the traffic in that bad weather. Thanksfully Our Lord is with us in the storms as as well as in the calm times of life, as you wrote. I hope that today is a better one.
I'm glad you made it home safely. I live in Massachusetts and grew up dealing with this kind of weather but it still scary none the less. The schools are really good at canceling or letting out early but some times the mess up. I'm glad you and your family made it home safely... I'm sure there was an angel helping you along the way.
We had an early dismissal yesterday. I was happy to get home and avoid traveling in the snow and ice.
I'm glad you made it home safe.
AMEN! We are in a storm right now, as my father has a brain tumor and now a heart problem. We are living moment by moment in a state of prayer. We are blessed with friends who are praying as well. HE never places more on us, than we can bear!
So pleased you got home safely and cannot not even imagine how scary that would be because in Aussie we rarely have those conditions and then only in very isolated areas
I know you wrote this for me! You may not have realized it at the time but the Lord knew. Thank you for reminding me that this to shall pass.
Val I'm so glad you got home safely...and your husband as well.
I imagine storms or freak weather does sometimes come up over the mountain unannounced!
I think I would have been freaking out...I drive alot and travel by myself alot but not in bad weather so I felt your fear!
A very good post. So glad you're home safe.
Mama Bear
I'm so glad you made it home ok Val. I'm sure that it was really scary. I HATE trying to drive on ice, it scares me so bad. I will do just about anything not to do it! Snow doesn't bother me as much, but they keep the roads around here treated really well.
Your post was so good,and so true.
I'll bet you have never been so happy as to walk in the door and know you were safe at home.
That was a great comparison to life.
What a wonderful analogy - the storm & Peter. Isn't it the truth ow smetime trials seem to come out of the blue.
And for the record, we deal with that kind of weather all the time but I can't say as I ever haven't dreaded it when I hear it's coming. Many years ago when I was a chld, if the weather was bad,everybody stayed home. Now it doesn't seem to matter how bad it is, people still think they have to go somewhere. It's crazy!
Hi Valerie,
I just popped on to see how you had survived another day! It is still snowing here in VA. and it is Slick!
I ended up going outdoors to do a few chores and I discovered too late -it was slick-really slick. I really got lucky because my DH came outdoors to "feed our woodstove" and he helped me back down the hill -all in one piece.
Hope you have had a Wonderful Day!
Glad you are all okay - those kinds of storms can be quite unnerving. Stay warm this weekend!
That was a really bad storm! We are used to that kind of stuff up here in Maine but the police do tell us all to stay home if at all possible. That's a long time to be out in that slippery traffic, so glad you made it home safe and sound. You are so right about how our lives can change in a minute. Just one telephone call can change our lives. You are so right, we must keep our eyes on Him!
Valerie, such a scary experience. I live where snow and ice are a common thing and when we have weather like that my car doesn't leave the garage. So glad you got home safe and sound, such a long time to be out there too! So happy that God protected you and your family members!
Oh my goodness. You must have been so very scared. Icy conditions like that. You just pray that everyone will stay on the road. Things happen so quickly...not your drive though. That was an awfully long and stressful time for you. I'm glad in the end everyone was safe.
I hope you have better weather today...
we have been very lucky so far this year...
have a great rest of the weekend...stop by when you have some time.
I am having a Giveaway...see my Sidebar.
we can not handle on our own...he knows our every need anyway.
Work from home India
Valerie, it's good to know you and your family made it home safe. Crazy weather is everywhere.
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