For Today............... Feb. 1, 2010
Outside my window........................There is a heavy frost and looks so cold.
I am thinking...................................What I think would make others happy is not always what makes them happy.
I am thankful...................................For a good man-my husband.
I am remembering..........................A conversation I had with my sweet mother about all the things that we have in our mind that we want to accomplish.
I am going.........................................To work on 2 apartments.
I am currently reading...................The Covenant by Beverly Lewis ( I am slow!)
I am hoping......................................For answered prayers. Thank goodness we have that hope.
On my mind.....................................Something I would like to fix for a loved one, but they have to do it for themselves. I have tried several times. It didn't work.
Noticing that.....................................Today is a gift. What I do with it DOES matter.
Pondering these words................... "You did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" Galations 5:7 (Our Pastors message yesterday.)
From the kitchen............................Homemade Chili in crockpot waiting until we get home.
Around the house...........................I will spend about 10 min. vacuuming, and do a small load of laundry tonight.
One of my favorite things.............Learning anything I can. ( I wish that I wanted that when in school-Ha!)
From my picture journal...............2 of my grandchildren making cornbread with me!
To be a part or just to read more Simple Woman's Daybook Entries go Here!
Enjoyed reading your "mind" this morning...May God give you the strength as you go about your day - but most of all realize you can not fix problems that belong to some one else all the time.
Valorie, I enjoyed reading your day book! Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye
I have enjoyed looking at your blog this morning. Your link on today's daybook actually took me to your last week's daybook so I got to read both of them. Your entries are very inspiring and uplifitng. God is good! Have a terrific week!
We are both thinking of chili and laundry today :-) Thanks for sharing about your day. Hope you have a blessed week.
Morning Valerie, Chili sounds good for supper. We had heavy frost too but the sky sure is clear and blue today. Remembering you and yours in prayer and wishing you a week full of blessings. Love the photo of your cornbread assistants!
I am enjoying following your Monday writings. Enjoy your week and I hope it warms up a bit for you.
I like what you said here this week. (I did chili in the crockpot a couple of days back..and we will have it as leftovers tonight!)
Hi Val...I love it when you do your daybook and we get to read it. Your words make me think about my own day and I love it!!!!
This is my first time reading your enteries. It is wonderful to meet other women out that that love the Lord. Loved reading your entry.
Hi Valerie:-)
I so enjoyed reading your daybook...like you, my heart always aches when I can't fix someone's problems, especially if it's one of my loved ones.
Any of that chili left over, if so send it over! hehe Hmmm...wish you could email it to me! lol
Love that picture of your grandkids helping you make cornbread, look at the concentration on their faces:-) xoxo
I enjoyed your daybook.
I love making meals in the crockpot. I hope you enjoy the soup.
Mama Bear
Very thoughtful post! Thanks, you encouraged me1
Hi, I enjoyed your DB! A good man is something to be thankful for! Cute picture of your helpers!
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