Thursday, October 22, 2020

My Cancer Journey- I hate it.


There is not a whole lot I remember during this hospital stay but 
I remember this day. 
My Church honored me as Homecoming Queen
even though I was in the hospital.
My sweet friend, Linette brought 
everything to me. It really made me smile! 
I love my Church and I miss them so much.
I missed 8 months while taking chemo and then
I got to go a few times and Covid hit our country.
Now I am out again.

I LOVE this blanket. 
I am pretty sure my friend Leanda got this for me.
It is one of my favorite verses.
Be still and know......

This is my sweet granddaughter Alyssa!
I remember the hats. But I don't remember doughnuts! lol
My whole family was so good to me.
Still is.

I did want to tell you one more symptom I had during the months leading up until
we found out what was wrong  just in case this might help somebody.
Two times I had severe rib pain.
I mean severe.
The worst pain I have ever had in my life.
I told my doctor but she just passed it off as nothing.
I begged her to send me to get a mammogram.
I just knew I had breast cancer.
She did. We went. And it was clear. 
So we still didn't know what was going in. 
Please if you have pains or weird things happening, push your doctor
to run tests. 
You know your body more than anyone.

I will be honest.
When I sat down to do this post, I literally almost got sick
thinking of this.
I was telling a friend today that every time I even turn the tv on, 
I hear that word......cancer.
I hate it.  
But I am thankful I got good test results this week.
I don't get scans until Jan. 2021.
So until then I guess I must do what this bracelet says.
And Wait. 


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1 comment:

ASouthernQuiltersJoy said...

You have been such an inspiration to so many of us. Your journey has helped me to realize that should I become seriously ill to listen to my body and be firm with my medical doctors. You are a shinning light for our Lord and Savior. Well done girl. Hang in there and know many of us are praying for you.