She was so sweet.
Vicki took this picture as she saw the money. If the camera had snapped another picture right after that you would have saw Granny lay her head on the couch like she was fainting. It was so cute.
This picture shows the money all layed out on the couch. It was the money from Marlene and then the money from Vicki buying 3 of her quilts. Granny was happy!
This is the quilt that Vicki chose for her daughter Carrie and you can also see Marlenes quilt in progress laying on the sewing machine. I am planning on picking it up this week and shipping it to her.
This is the quilt that Vicki chose for her neice, Stacy. I hope she likes it. Remember the post where I showed pictures of Granny rolling a quilt? This is that quilt.
The most special part of Vicki's visit was right before we left. We were telling her that we were leaving and I remembered what Martha had emailed me and told me and I wanted to share that with Granny. Martha is the one that started this ball rolling by buying one of Grannys quilts. I told Granny that there was a friend of mine in California that said that she was naming her Quilt the "Granny Prayer Quilt" and that when she went to bed and said her prayers that her quilt would be right with her as she prayed for Granny. (I can't remember the exact words but it was something like that- so sweet). Anyway, when Granny heard the word "Prayer" she said, "well that is what I need. That is what we all need." When she said that my best friend, Vicki looked at her and said, "Granny, would you like for us to pray?" Granny answered, "Oh yes, please!"
We stood holding onto one another as Vicki prayed aloud. Granny joined her. I prayed also but to myself. I could not help but hear the sweetest sounds coming from both of them. I could not tell you what they said but I can tell you it was the sweetest sound I have ever heard. When the prayer was over we all had tears in our eyes. Granny was shivering and looked at us and said she felt HIS spirit. Then she said, after you both leave I will weep. I just had tears coming down my face. She looked at me and said, "Beth, we are gonna have to do more of that." And we will.
Me & Granny thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for loving her and praying for her and wanting to bless her by purchasing her quilts. I have several more emails about buying a quilt. Bloggers & Best friends are precious.
WARNING: My next post will be showing some more of Grannys quilts. Imagine that!
I am sorry that I have to do this but it is necessary.
I have never had anything negative happen concerning my blog until now.
I hate negative things or conflict but I have had it brought to my attention that I POST a lot about my Granny, my sweet honey, my Mom, & my children & Grandchildren. All I can say to that is just don't look at my blog. That will solve the problem. I love my family and they are what my life is about. We are blessed. Blogs are kind of like a television if you don't like what you are looking at, just turn the channel. Also, if you leave me a comment and do it anonymously please don't sign someone elses name. Sign your own name if you sign a name at all. But I really advise the person that I am talking to just don't read my blog. Then you won't have anything to complain about. Again, this is NOT directed to bloggers, my friends, or my family. Isn't it sad that someone always wants to cause trouble. I honestly think that some people love conflict. I guess we need to pray for them. Isn't that what we should do? Will you help me pray for this person? Thank you.
Valerie I just have to laugh - whoever is sending you negative comments obviously doesn't know what blogs are. Blogs are online journals of our daily lives - mine is about my life, yours is about your life. Granny is a huge part of your life so of course you write about her. And the same for your family. My posts are scattered from here to kingdom come! Sometimes they are about my family, sometimes my quilting or embroidery or applique, sometimes about my Father in Heaven. I write what I'm thinking about. Sometimes that might be shopping! Why in the world would anyone complain? Why not just change blogs - just you like you change channels on the television! I will pray that their unhappiness with life is turned around and that they will find joy in abundance. blessings, marlene
I think Marlene said it best, the negative-commenter doesn't know what blogs are. They definitely need prayer in their lives.
Thank you for sharing part 2. It's so uplifting to see Granny with her quilts. The prayer you shared together was so touching. It's funny how I was feeling a little lost/down today, but after reading your post, I feel hopeful.
Thank you Valerie!
Hi Valerie I look in all the time But dont always leave A comment But I love your Blog it is so down to earth And I must admit I love your granny.Lots of hugs to her.
Hugs Mary.
You know, I can't imagine your blog without Granny, or your precious family. I'll join you in praying for this person and for Granny as well. I admire her so much! Thank you for sharing part 2!
I adore reading your post about granny, I cant beleive anyone would be so small minded and yes you are right they do need praying for. But for every person like that there are 100 that love to read your stories so dont dwell on it. Loves and hugs to you all.
What a loving post about Granny! She is one in a million!
Honey, don't worry about those disgruntled people who decide to discourage you about your blog! They are just unhappy with themselves and have to take it out on someone else, this time on you.
Your blog has blessed many people, your Mom included! I always look forward to coming here to see your latest. Keep up the good work and interesting blogs!
Val, I'm always thrilled to read about your family and everything you write about. Please continue to share from your heart about your life and the things you wish to share. Your friend, Connie
This really ticks me off here~~~~! I can't imagine anyone making negative comments on your have one of the most sweetest spirits on the internet!!!! I may post about Granny now!!!
I like reading about your granny and loved hearing about her quilts...and her success. I don't comment often but read your blog regularly....keep on posting
What a sweet granny post, Val. You are very blessed to have her in your life.
I just cried when I read about you, Vicki and Granny praying together. How sweet your Granny is. I just love her so much.
I was disturbed that you have had some trouble about your blog and them saying negative things. Why would anyone do that? You are precious and your Granny is precious. They just don't understand love and caring. They do need our prayers.
Just laugh it off...some people just "feed" off of other people's happiness and want to ruin it. I just love your blog. I wouldn't change a thing. Just keep caring and sharing.
Your Granny is so very precious. I wish I knew her...but I guess we all do in a way.....thanks to you.
Have a great day!
thank you for your prayers.
Your blog is just wonderful and one of the reasons i return is hearing more about your precious granny!!! It reminds me of my own granny who also quilted! I love the quilts and the video you made of her sewing! Keep blogging girl, you're a blessing to many!!
How blessed you are to still have your granny! What a joy she is to you and to us that get to know her through your blog. You just keep on blogging the way you have been. You are a blessing to those of us that read your blog.
Hey keep on blogging like you are we love to hear about your granny and anything else you have to say. Like you say if you don't like it change the blog. Say hi to granny.
That is awful! I just love the granny blogs and take a peek every evening to read more about granny is doing. Such a luv.
I so have to agree with Marlen...this person seems to be making the rounds to all blogs cuz of late there have been many of us bloggers who have been put out by this sad that's all they have to do.
WE LOVE IT VALERIE AND DON'T STOP. Granny has become a part of us. We love her. the pictures - what a blessing to be able to share this with her!
Does she ever get to see the blog posts...hope so.
I look forward to your post about Granny and I love hearing about the rest of your family too. Your doing a great job and its obvious by all the comments you get with every post.
Granny is so cute with the cards and money! I posted my quilt today and Ezie wants a quilt now to for his bedroom. I think I better start saving my money!
Have a wonderful day!
Not much brings me out of my shell like someone being mean. I would just like to say that like many others, one of my favorite parts of your blog is your granny. For those of us who are not so fortunate as to still have our grandmothers it is such a blessing to see your wonderful granny. Since I am here, I'd like to buy a quilt too. Please don't stop being yourself on YOUR blog because someone is being negative. We all come here for a reason. We need what you offer.
"For I reckon the sufferings of this world is not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall one day be revealed in us"!
Keep doing what you do best. That is showing your great love for God and family through this wonderful blog. Oh if only more people were as you. Your blog lifts my spirits. Lord knows I've needed to come here more often. I wish I would remember how easy it is to let the world crowd in and steal my joy. I should never be so busy that I can't stop by for a "hello" or a "God Bless"! I am thankful for this place called Life's Little Garden. I am blessed.
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