"Sweet Teen" has her own life and friends and is growing up fast but when she comes to my house she is still my little girl. She was my first grandbaby. What can I say?
I told her that a baby quilt or lap quilt might be the way to start so it will not take as long.
So she got into my fabric and picked out what she wanted to use. It thrilled me seeing her mind working as she was thinking about which ones would look good.
I could not help but think of Granny and how proud she would be of her.
I remember when Granny told me that I was the only one interested in learning and now look!
Guess what "Sweet Teen" did?
She got her quilt top completely sewn together.
She told me that her favorite part was the designing.
She said she loved putting the colors together.
She has already picked her backing out and she is ready to put it all together.
I have never been so proud!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Oh, that is so beautiful! She really can pick the colors well! I am so proud of Tris! What fun you all must have had today! I think you should let Granny know that the her quilting legacy is being carried on and on.
How fun!!! It is so pretty too. I can't believe you made her use scissors, Grandma!!!! I do think you have a budding quilter there and such joy she will have from it. She needs to start her own blog now.
That is SO pretty! You are lucky she lives close enough to do this kind of thing with you. My grands are too far to see me very often....but I still hope one of them will show an interest like that someday.
sweet teen is a doll! and I can only imagine how much joy she must bring
our only dd is expecting their first baby in June and it is Girl! I am already looking forward to teaching her how to sew
I really love this! I wish I had someone to mentor me when I was her age. She's so lucky to have you.
Who knows - maybe she will get into textile design and become a fabric designer someday?
Man.. if I could just turn the clock back 20 years! or so :-)
How truly wonderful!!!!!!!!! Beautiful colors too!!!!!!!
Thank You for sharing!!!!!!
She did a great job putting colors together, picking light and dark values. She has an eye for it! What a blessing they are. blessings to you on this cold winter night, marlene
Awe, her quilt looks girlie and so sweet! Perfect for the "Sweet Teen".
That is awesome!!!! :) I remember teaching my sisters son in boy scouts (we never got around to the real one) and then there is the one my cousin made and my son (I did end up finishing them) but it is fun to share with someone.
What a beautiful quilt she has made. And what a sweet testimony to her grandmother. You have handed down some of your heritage :-)
Ho Boy we got our selves another young one! Welcome to the quilting worl Sweet Teen!
Wow, I am soooo impressed! And I love the colors she put together!
How wonderful!!!!! You MUST take her over to Granny's to show it off!
Ohhh, Valerie!
How sweet!
Important question: if I ever pop out at Georgia, do you think I could learn how to make one of those absolutely fab quilts?! Lol...
Love the pics!
Big hug!
Just lovely colours in your little quilt top "Sweet Teen" congratulations.Maybe you could join in on the Friday Night Sew In to complete your quilt.
You should be proud!! And what a lovely pattern too!!
Oh I know you are so proud - and you should be.
Oh Valerie how wonderful - I love that your granddaughter has the same interest as you and her great-granny!
Happy New Year Val.
Very pretty. She will treasure that forever.
It's no wonder you're so proud of her, look at the fabulous job she did for her fist time making a quilt!! It truly does warm the heart when a child expresses interest in the same hobby as you. xoxo
O - How wonderful ! You know how every eye sees something different? The way I was admiring the quilt it looked like a flower garden peeking out from a white fence! You both are lucky to have each other.
It really is nice when the kids take an interest in what you do. I am sure she will enjoy quilting and sewing for years to come....
Gosh, Granny would be so, so proud! And I love this: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Joyfully yours, *karendianne.
I love Tris' quilt. It is really pretty!
She did a great job. It looks fantastic. I love to see young people doing crafts like that.
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